Friday, October 10, 2008

Wacky world of the false prophet (and silly woman) Deanna Hill

She thinks because she prayed and read a bible verse several times over several years that she can place the date of the rapture at the time of the full moon this month.

This silly woman thinks she can prophesize something because of the spelling of the month of october. She is a new ager who is following satan - and yet the five demons ("doves") who call themselves a Christian site has no problem with this garbage:

From Deanna Hill's five demons ("doves") post (entirety below) :

Check this out! I just noticed this...Oc-tober....! The O looks
like the full moon! And the C looks like the New Moon!
Can you believe that garbage??? Is there NO discernment left on the five demons ("doves") site? Or has ANYONE there EVER had ANY discernment???


Deanna Hill (10 Oct 2008) "Full Moon-God's Word to me."

Full Moon-God's Word to me.

Once upon a time...the year - 1999. I had begun a new life with my sweet Jesus thru my brokenness and surrender to Him. I enjoyed spending time with Him, worshiping and seeking Him with all of my heart..He comforted me thru my brokenness. He filled my loneliness.. He spoke words of Love thru His Word to my heart and He allowed me to feel His presence around me...a peace, joy and pure love like I have never felt before. I found my completeness in Him and in His love for me. One day as I was reading about the current world news.. He spoke so clearly to me and said to me, "I have loved you with an everlasting love!" I felt His love and peace fill my heart and I thought this is a verse from the Bible, His word! I later found this verse in Jer. 31:3! I was so excited to hear Him say this to me!

On a beautiful night in May, 20th 1999..I prayed a prayer that my husband would come home on a "Full Moon" night. Romance!!
Then the next day, May 21, in the morning.. I reached for my Bible to have prayer with Him and I opened up to see these words stand out.."full moon"!!..the whole verse said,
"My husband is not at home, Proverbs 7:19a...... and will not be home till full moon." Prov.7:20b, I thought this was so amazing!! This was what I had prayed.. just the night before!!

On June 12, I asked God during prayer if this was truly from Him and to confirm this to me....I opened my Bible and right away ... I read "Full Moon" again! Job26:9 "He covers the face of the full moon...spreading His clouds over it." He confirmed this thru His Word! I was filled with so much peace and joy! I felt He was saying... He is concealing/covering the meaning of the full moon until a time in the near future.

I soon knew that God was not talking about my earthly husband.. Proverbs7:20....
and that I was experiencing Jesus as my friend, healer, protector, and
provider.. as a husband and a father, for me and my only
child. I knew He was saying this was from Him and about Him. (Not an earthly husband.)

2nd confirmation/witness
I received a amazing 2nd confirmation of this verse..Proverbs 7:20
a month later!! I stopped in the local Christian Book store in Dublin, Calif.
and I ran into Pastor Mark from my church. He asked me how I was..and I said, "God is good and that I believe God is speaking to me thru His Word." Mark said, "Isn't that awesome when He speaks directly to us?!!
What did God tell you?" I said, " My husband is not at home...and will not
be home till full moon. Prov. 7:20" He was so excited! Mark then said,
"This is amazing!!! This morning at the pastor's staff meeting, the senior pastor, Steve, read this same verse by accident..'husband is not at home ,
will not be home till full moon."!! Pastor Steve said he was not sure why
he read this verse and just apologized to the staff and went on with his teaching." Pastor Mark said to me, "This is a sure confirmation from God to you, Deanna. This verse is from God to you. This is no
coincidence. This is God speaking and confirming to you."

3rd confirmation/witness-a couple of weeks later in June 1999, my friend calls me and she said, "Last evening, I opened my Bible to read, not sure what to read.. I was reading in Proverbs, and then I read, Prov. 7:20 and I thought this is the verse God gave Deanna,..but instead of 'full moon' my Bible said, 'appointed time!" We praised God together for another witness to His Word and that I knew in time God will reveal what He wants me know regarding this verse.

The fourth confirmation- Three years later, after experiencing His provisions,love and divine guidance in other areas of my life, ..a journey with Him as He answers many prayers and provides a home for me and my daughter, going thru trials and watching my Jesus provide all that we need and more. And learning to trust and depend on Him, like a Husband! One day, March 2002, I was reading my Bible and then I wondered about this word He gave me Prov.7:20 back in 1999 and all the confirmations of this verse..I ask God in my heart to explain what does this mean and that I felt in my heart that He is my "Husband". Right away, thru Holy Spirit guidance I opened to Psalms 81:3 and I read this verse, "Sound the ram's horn at the New Moon and when the moon is full, on the day of our Feast." I knew God confirmed this Proverbs 7:20 verse again and that a 'full moon Feast' is key or sig! nifican t. I held this
in my heart and just surrendered this God.

In 2006, my 17 old daughter, Candace, had a dream of being caught up to meet Jesus in the clouds and I was with her. She said this dream was so real she thought and felt it was really happening and she said when she looked at me as when we went up thru our ceiling/roof she said I was "see thru" or transparent!
Shortly after this dream, my heart's desire was to study God's Word concerning the last days and Revelations, Daniel and all of it! I spent hours researching and studying and I prayed for understanding/wisdom with His true peace to help me understand His Word. I felt urgency in my heart that time is nearing the end of days and to urge others time is running out and to be ready...

2007 has been a year of many trials and this was a year of sadness as I
saw my 18 old daughter turn from God and me.. to the world and all the foolishness this world has to offer. I had to trust and believe God will bring her back and her dream will be true, she and I will be going up to Jesus together.

On 4-27-2008, I was meditating on all of these verses regarding Full Moon,
Appointed Time, and all the confirmations/witnesses.. and having some knowledge about the Feasts of the Lord and the Lunar Eclipses of 2014-2015 from my studies.On this day, I read in Hab. 2:1, 'I will watch and see what He will say to me.'
I inquired of my God about all of this.. then I wrote this down on a piece of paper.. after reading this in Habakkuk 2:2-3. 'Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets..For the revelation awaits an appointed time, it speaks of the end and will not prove false'..Then this is what I wrote down on paper on 4-27-08:

Proverbs 7:20- My husband is not at home and will not be home till full moon..appointed time.

Job 26:9-He covers the face of the full moon, spreading His clouds over it.

Psalms 81:3, 'Sound the ram's horn at the New Moon, and when the moon is full on the day of our Feast.'

Then I wrote...On October 1st 2008-this will be the day of the sighting of the New Moon in Israel*.

*(Important note) did I know, on 4-27-08 that the sighting of the New Moon would really indeed be on Oct. 1,'08 !? In my first letter to Doves (Oct 2)I wrote that I actually heard the ram's horn at around 9:30 a.m. here in Calif. at the exact time that Israel sighted the New Moon -Oct. 1 at exactly 6:29 p.m! (9:29 a.m -Pacific Time.) Later that day, I found that piece of paper that I wrote on 4-27-08 in my Bible.! And, my USA 2008 calender states- Sept. 29, as the new moon...not Oct 1. }

This is the 7th month of the Jewish New Year. (I have been seeing 777/707 for years now since 1999..My daughter did at times too.)
7+7=14..October 14, 2008..Day of Feast of Full Moon-Appointed Time.
(This is all that I wrote on this piece of paper on 4-27-08.)

Dears Doves/Watchers, Now on this day, Oct 10, 2008...Any witnesses to this? Could this be the appointed time?.. the day of the "full moon " that my"husband."(Prov.7:20)...our beloved bridegroom Jesus receives us.. His Bride unto Himself? This month, October 14, when the "moon is full on the day of our Feast"? Could it be?! I have surrendered all of this to
God Almighty again and I still ask for His understanding, wisdom and discernment always. I only pray for all of us to be ready everyday for this appointed day in the near future.. And I want to tell everyone the season is close at hand.. the day is approaching quickly ...........and I ask Jesus Christ, that my daughter, Candace and I....and all that is His own will be found pure and spotless as His Bride ,on the appointed day He chooses to call us to Himself. All In the name of Jesus Christ and His shed Blood for us.. we will be made pure and spotless. Amen

I Corinthians 1:7-9!!

Deanna Hill

Check this out! I just noticed this...Oc-tober....! The O looks like the full moon! And the C looks like the New Moon!

October 1, 2008
My name is Deanna Hill and I have been watching for my Jesus, my Bridegroom to come and take me with Him for at least 3 years now.
I have a couple of interesting confirmations/signs regarding His soon return.
1. I have seen many times.. 777,707 and 77 since 1999! (On clocks and license plates,receipts) And on Sept 29- wow, the dow!! 777! :)
Also, I have see many times, 11:11, 111 as well.

2. The most significant sign I received in 1999 is regarding the "Full Moon." I will explain to you and the Doves soon about this and how God had confirmed this 4 times. From His word and two witnesses!

However, today Oct. 1, 2008 in the morning....I was praying and wondering if Israel saw the New Moon on Sept.30! I looked for it the night before on the eve of Sept 30..(here in beautiful Pleasanton, California) and I did not see it.
Well this morning Oct. 1 at around 9:30 a.m. (Pacific time zone) as I was wondering if and when Israel saw the New Moon....and just praying...
I heard a distant but clear sound of a shofar/trumpet sounding!! It was almost as if I heard this thru my spirit ears!!? And I thought this is it! I hear the sound of a trumpet! Well, I soon knew this was not yet the rapture!
Later on, I logged on the web and I did a search about the sighting of the New Moon in Israel. And I found out that Israel sighted the New Moon today Oct 1, 2008 at 6:29 p.m. (Israel time). And guess what!!!? Israel is 9 hours ahead which was 9:29 a.m. my Pacific Time Zone.!!! Could it be I heard the distant sound of the shofar in the spiritual realm from Israel at the exact time they sounded the shofar! This could be a confirmation from God! It must be!! This can not just be a coincidence!

I have thought and believe Jesus our Beloved Bridegroom will come back to call us up with Him on a Full Moon day or eve. for years now..and a few months back, I have wondered.. maybe, on October 14, 2008, Feasts of Tabernacles a (full moon festival)!! I have asked Him for a confirmation
and perhaps this was it, today Oct 1! That I heard the trumpet/shofar sound at exactly when Israel sighted the new moon at 6:29 p.m.!! Here in N. Calif. at 9:29-30a.m.!!

I believe October 14, 2008 (7 + 7 =14!!) could very well be our wedding day to the Bridegroom, my Husband, Jesus on this day..and it is also a Full Moon on this day!! And the signs of..777, 77, 707, I saw so many times in these past years!! Check this out!!....7th month -Oct- Hebrew month! And.. 7+7=14 days/14th day of 7th month!!? Could it be?!!!!!
I ask God to reveal His truth to me always and to keep my heart and eyes on Jesus! Ask God with confirm if this could be our Wedding Day with our Sweet Jesus!

I will write later about this Full Moon word I received in 1999 and the confirmations I received soon, very soon! It is AWESOME!!

Please pray for my daughter, Candace! She is 19, lives in San Francisco and is a prodigal! Pray God will protect her and rescue her from this evil world(land of the enemy) Jer. 31:16-17. And God will pull her away from all ungodly influences! And she will come to her senses and return to God with a repentful heart and God will bring her home to Him and me safe and sound! Luke 15. I need serious prayer warriors to stand with me on behalf of my only child, Candace. To pray the Word of God over her! And healing for us, Mom and daughter! I know God will act quickly..even today to turn her heart towards Him. (Jude 24, keep Candace from falling, O God) All In the name of Jesus Christ! It is done!!! Praise God in Advance for His quick work.. so Candace will be the Bride of Christ too!!

A Bride to be..your sister in Christ.

Deanna Hill
Thank you for Five Doves and Posting this to the Doves!