Tuesday, October 14, 2008

unrepentant false prophet Ted Porter is still following chaneled demonic garbage

I emailed Ted Porter informing him of the chaneled source of the false prophecies he posted yesterday - and he is continuning to believe the demons and is making up more false teachings based on the demonic prophecies he posted yesterday (and the five demons ["doves"] owner continues to post the teachings by demons and posts that support those teachings)

Nothing like taking a false teaching, making many assumptions, and building your false doctrine on it.

[his date tables omited]

Ted Porter (14 Oct 2008) "Will there be 42 Generations from Jesus Christ's 1st Coming to His 2nd Coming?"
Will there be 42 Generations from Jesus Christ's 1st Coming to His 2nd Coming just as there were 42 Generations from Abraham to Jesus Christ’s 1st coming?

This is a followup regarding:

"When is Jesus Returning? The Answer is 42!"

That a prophetic jubilee, (49 times 360 days = 17,640 days), appears to work out to a biblical generation. And that there could be 42 generations from Creation to Abraham’s death.

Note that Jesus came 42 generations after Abraham.

So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations; and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations. Matthew 1:17

And looking up online when Abraham died we have:

http://www.bible-history.com/rome/RomeTimeline__Biblical_History.htm 1992 BC
http://www.adamictimeline.com/adamic10b.html 2038 BC using 360-day years after 725 BC

Referring to the table presented at the bottom of:

This table won’t be repeated in this post except for the top and bottom shown below. But the table was not “corrected” for 360-day years after 725 BC:

Using either table, both online historical values 1992 BC and 2038 BC bound the “uncorrected” and the “corrected” table value for 84 generations from now. So, the hypothesis appears have merit.

Also, the difference between the “corrected” and “uncorrected” appears to be almost exactly another prophetic jubilee. From 725 BC to 4000 BC is 3275 years. Doing the calculations as to how many 360-day years instead of 365.2422 it takes to make one jubilee one has:

=49 * 360 /(365.242199-360) = 3365.000 years

The original calculation used 365.2422 which yielded 3364.999. Amazingly, increasing the accuracy by two more digits to 365.242199 allowed the EXACT calculation of 3365 years. Can this be an accident to be this precise, or is God allowing these calculations to be discovered in the last days?

Assuming 725 BC is correct, then adding 3365 years brings us to 4090 BC. The author has also seen sources quoting as recent as 701 BC which would bring one to 4066 BC. Again, using design as the guiding rule as to end exactly at 126 Jubilee’s by simply extrapolating the original table posted earlier another row, this comes to:


Which is almost identical to using 725 BC, the difference only being less than 0.2 years. The bottom line is this calculation would yield 4070.658 – 3365 = 705.658 BC.

Ted Porter
