Monday, October 27, 2008

Jerry Grenough - unrepentant numerologist / false prophet

First of all, who told him to do these calculations? It certainly is not in the bible. G-d has always forbidden numerology. Jerry Grenough is an unrepentant confirmed false prophet. he is watching for dates - not Messiah Yeshua.


Jerry Grenough (27 Oct 2008)
"It All Fits For 2008 Rapture"

It All Fits For Rapture 2008.....Praying Always And WatchingExcerpt from
Now, let's take a look at these prophetic words of Elijah: "Elijah told Judah, the brother of Sala Hasida, 'The world will endure not less than 85 Jubilees, and on the last Jubilee the Son of David will come'" (Talmud, Sanh.97b). Elijah the prophet stated quite clearly that the Messiah the Son of David WILL COME ON THE LAST Jubilee year!
This passage quotes the words of ELIJAH THE PROPHET. HE STATED QUITE CLEARLY that the Messiah the Son of David will come ON THE LAST Jubilee!
What does "not less than 85 Jubilees" mean?
The "world" Elijah was speaking of was "this present evil world." The Bible speaks of the "world that then was," the pre-Flood world, and "the world that now is," this present world is the post-Flood world. The post-Flood world began in the year 2344 B.C. but AT SOMETIME after the new post-Flood world began, the population of the earth began to go astray. WHAT caused it and WHEN did this ‘Great Rebellion’ occur?
If we count this time period of 85 Jubilees from the first year of Peleg, whose name means "division," as THE BEGINNING OF THE REBELLION, and ULTIMATELY THE “DIVISION OF THE EARTH”, then the period of 85 Jubilees prophesied by the prophet Elijah would be 85 x 50 years. 85 x 50 = 4250 years
Subtracting (85 Jubilees) or 4250BC - 2243BC Peleg’s birth as the beginning of rebellion = 2007 +1 (no year zero) = 2008 AD, THIS PRESENT YEAR!!
The division of the earth occurred BECAUSE OF THE SIN of the tower of Babel. Therefore the tower of Babel construction, and destruction, and division of the earth, occurred during the time of Peleg. You can read the Biblical account of this event in Genesis 11:1-9
Thereby starting our count from Elijah's tower of Babel rebellion prophecy in 2243BC, the year Peleg was born and during his time the earth was "divided", we find 85 Jubilee periods THAT COUNT OUT in 2008 A.D.!!!
The 6000 years of man are 120 ‘years of jubilee’ cycles that began with the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the garden with the FINAL ‘year of Jubilee’ beginning 10 Tishri 2008 A.D. which begin the end times. The Bride of Christ's time on earth is over making the rapture on that day.
Using Newton's calculation fromDaniel 9:25, 26 (7 sevens or 49 years) to arrive at Yom Kippur,September 23, 2015...
Time and Date Converter
From date: Wednesday, June 7, 1967 (Jerusalem recaptured)Added 17,640 days <------------------------- (360 days x 49 years)Resulting date: Wednesday, September 23, 2015
NOW, count backwards 7 years from 9/23/2015
From date: Wednesday, September 23, 2015Subtracted 2520 days <------------------------- (360 days * 7 years)Resulting date: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 – Day One of Tribulation

Precession of the Equinoxes Calculation:

Years from Christ 1975

Precession 25765

Percentage 0.076654

Days In year 365

Date Advanced 28

Tishri 28: 10/28/2008



Rosh Hashanah from the Perspective of the Universe

Jerry Grenough
