Friday, October 24, 2008

Gary Rich: Obstinate / disobedient date setter / watcher

Why not today, tomorrow, or the next day??? Why do the false prophets disobey G-d and continue to set dates and watch dates instead of watching for Messiah Yeshua's return? I watch every day - I don't sit around for hours trying to figure out what date He COULD come - because He culd come at ANY date. The false prophets prefer to watch dates instead of watching for Messiah Yeshua. He will come at the time appointed and NOBODY will figure it out before hand. There are those who have left the faith because of all the "confirmed" rapture date failures - and the bogus / unbiblical "7 day" (or "40 day") "rapture warning".

The false prophets can watch all the dates they want - and when the rapture happens either they will call it the "false rapture" (which is totally unbiblical) or they will not even realize the rapture happened and will continue setting more ficticious rapture dates even before their previous ones fail.

October is not even over yet and the false prophets are already conjuring up false rapture dates in november and december.


Gary Rich (24 Oct 2008)
"2008 Rapture Options - Whats Left ?"

Well - we are still here, the Fall Hebrew Feasts are over, including the Feast of Tabernacles - the one most of us thought just had to be it this time, me included. I know we still have October 29th as a good option for our rapture flight. I see this day as having two possibilities - it is either our rapture day - or some major world-wide event will occur on this day. It just has too many bibical time lines attached to it to mean nothing

Ok, just in case we arrive at November 1st, what then, many of us are convinced that 2008 is the year for our rapture - when our Lord and savior Jesus Christ returns for us, and the start of the tribulation Judgements as described in the Book of Revelation

So , ok if 2008 is still the year, what are we still looking at. I see two options - one is the Noah flood day - in mid-November - the 2nd day -17 th day of the month when the flooding began. The other is in December - over the winter Hebrew Festival of Hanukkah which begins around December 21stwe have had lots of good research articles written over the years on why the rapture could happen over Hanukkah. If we are still here come December - we may be looking at Hanukkah for our rapture flight

so what do you all think - is our rapture still in 2008, what options do you all see for it to happen in either November or December ? I am still holding out that we will be in the eternal city the New Jerusalem before this year is over with !!!