Thursday, October 9, 2008

Karen Hedrick - numerologist false prophet

Karen Hedrick thinks that because an order was a certain amount it means something. If part of her job is purchasing then she sees many numbers ever day. Why isn't she excited over those numbers??? Why doesn't an amount of $676.43 excite her??? What if another false prophet sees a number that counteracts hers???

I saw an amount of $66.68 --- does that mean the antimessiah will be revealed in 2008? or was that just the amount the sale happened to be? Obviously it was just a number and to get excited a certain number comes up means you are either involved in numerology (which G-d calls an abomination) or that you gamble too much. These fruitcakes thinking each number they see means something are wicked false prophets that G-d will punish for eternity unless they repent.


Karen Hedrick (9 Oct 2008) "Re: Phil & 777.68"

Something I noticed today while I was working made me stop and take a deep breath. One part of my job is in purchasing. After an order is placed, the vendor will normally fax an acknowledgement, or confirmation, of the order with correct prices. I was correcting the pricing on an order today and when I finished I looked to see what the total was. It was $777.70 and I thought WOW ! After the stock market drop of $777.68 I had wondered about the .68 and Rick had commented that if it were rounded off to one decimal place, it would have been $777.70 ..... then I read Phil's post. Funny thing about what I saw on my purchase order after seeing 777 .... the total before I corrected prices was $668.88 !! I'm not sure what this means, but it felt like something when I saw it, and after reading Phil's posts, I felt I should share it.
God Bless You All