Wednesday, October 29, 2008

false prophet Bob Ware hears voices

He is trying to claim it is the Spirit of G-d yet because of his numerology false prophecies, we know it isn't. Once again, the five demons ("doves") site owner John Tng sees nothing wrong with numerology and false prophecies. Hell will be extra hot for the false prophets that lead others to destruction.

Bob Ware (29 Oct 2008)
"Prophetic and Gregorian Year Differences Link: 1967, LORD JESUS CHRIST, 2008 and Rapture number 107"

John - yes, 2008 is at the center of the 'golden ratio' cross on the base tier of the Genesis 1:1 Pyramid.

Last night, after it got quiet, I heard that little voice and it told me to look at the differences in the number of days between prophetic years and Gregorian years. This is what I found....

A Biblical prophetic year has 360 days. A Gregorian year has 365 days, or 366 in a leap year.

When you count from the bottom up, the center stone of the center row of the ‘Genesis 1:1 Pyramid’ is number 2017. The Six Day War happened in 1967. There are 51 inclusive years from 1967 to 2017. There are 51 prime numbers in the ‘Prime Cube’ – three columns with 17 numbers in each. I placed the 51 years from 1967 to 2017 into the ‘Prime Cube’ pattern. Next to each year a placed the number of days difference between that Gregorian year and a prophetic year which was either 5 or 6 days. I then added these extra days and created the series of running totals (RT).

The sum of the 18 running totals from 1991 (131) to 2008 (221) is 3168. This is a Greek gematria for ‘LORD JESUS CHRIST’.

The prime number 113 is the first point of the ‘Prime Cross’ and falls in the 9th position of the ‘Prime Cube’. The year 2009 fell in the 43rd position of the ‘Prime Cube’ at the last point of the ‘Prime Cross’. The 43rd different President of the United States will be inaugurated in 2009. The total of extra days from 1967 to the year 2009 is 226 (2 x 113). The sum of the last five running totals from 2005 (205) to 2009 (226) is 1077. The last point of the ‘Prime Cross’ is the 43rd number of the ‘Prime Cube’, the 153rd prime number: 881. 43 + 153 + 881 also equals 1077. 1077 is the final gematria for ‘CROSS’.

Thus, we have ‘LORD JESUS CHRIST’ (3168) ending at 2008. This is immediately followed by the ‘CROSS’ (1077). The sum of the four points of the ‘Prime Cross’ is 1948 (113 + 431 + 523 + 881).

The ‘Prime Cube’ is the center 17 rows of the first three columns of the ‘Prime List’. The ‘Prime List’ has five columns of 61 rows. There are 61 inclusive years from Israel’s rebirth in 1948 to the year 2008. There are 321 more days in these 61 Gregorian years than there are in 61 prophetic years. The prime factoring of 321 is: 3 x 107. 107 is the rapture number. Thus, we have the rapture number linking the year of Israel’s rebirth and the year 2008.
