Sunday, October 12, 2008

According to false prophet Gina McCray, the demons know the day of the rapture and we should believe what they have told their channelers

Gina McCray believes we should listen to demonic prophecies given to satanists (new agers) who channel demons and that the demons know the day of the rapture.

Why does Gina McCray pay attention to what demons are prophecying through their channelers if she considers herself a Christian??? G-d forbids listening to false prophets and yet she admits that is what she is doing.

And there are people who still consider the five demons ("doves") a Christian site???


Gina McCray (11 Oct 2008) "UFO appearance on Feast of Tabernacles"
IMHO. all of the economy problems are the beginning of the one world economy and the mark of the beast.

According to the blood moon theory whereupon Day of Atonement 2015 would be the Second Coming, the Trib would have to start before this month is out.

It is awesome to see God's Word falling into place isn't it?

BTW, the New Agers have been told by the demonic beings, that they think are "aliens", that UFO's will appear over (of all places) Alabama on October 14th, which happens to be the beginning of the Feast of Tabernacles.

I happen to live in Montgomery, Alabama.

The New Agers/alien believers have never been given a date before. It is very possible that satan is getting his great delusion ready as he can see the signs as can we and sees that the Trib is almost upon us and therefore (Lord willing) the Rapture too!

I'd really rather not be here if and when the deception starts but we have the mighty power of Jesus name,the name above all names!


