Thursday, October 16, 2008

false prophet Frank R Molver -wicked interpreter of cloud omens

Frank R Molver is seeing shaped clouds and is claiming it means something. G-d says whoever interprets omens is DETESTABLE to Him:

Deuteronomy 18:10-12 "There shall not be found among you anyone who uses divination or who practices witchcraft or one who interprets omens or is a sorcerer or who casts a spell or is a medium or a spiritist or who calls up the dead. For whosoever does these things is detestable to the Lord."

Frank R Molver (16 Oct 2008)
"fiery serpent descends to earth at DC then strikes upward to disappearing dove"

Well this morning I went for my usual prayer walk in the beautiful morning sky with a few bright orange, pink and fiery clouds. This is what I saw in the blue sky. Descending in the east where the sun rises was a fiery serpent looking cloud. From my area that would be around Washington DC. I walked around the block and came back up the same way, that previous cloud was vanishing and now came the same kind of cloud ascending upward with its tongue sticking out as in a strike. What it was striking at was vanishing as it was striking. To me it was like the Holy Spirit saying that's the rapture. First Satan ascends to the earth then he attempts to attack the Dove. What do you suppose will happen to those left behind. These clouds were Jet trails that God had some how shaped into looking very much alike serpents, head and tongue. Wish you could have seen them. It looked similar to the photo shown at this web site a few years ago. Can you bring that up?