Thursday, October 16, 2008

false prophet 'Rene' - does not recognize satellite imaging anomaly, calls it a "sign from G-d"

Every thing a false prophet sees as "out of the ordinary" is deemed to be a "sign from G-d" without even researching the facts. Yesterday false prophet Mark Copfer freaked out over a satellite image calling it a "ufo" while it was obvious a defect in the satellite imaging due to magnetic variance / satellite orbits - and instead of seeing it for what it is, false prophet 'Rene' is claiming it is a "sign from G-d"

Typical fruitcake false prophets / wicked interpreter of omens

Rene (16 Oct 2008) "Mark Copfer's UFO on Google Earth"
Mark: I see what you are talking about on the picture in your post. I didn't download google earth though. I was afraid it would crash my PC. I see the triangle - but It isn't black - the UFO thingy looks BLUE to me - same color as the water, but a darker blue, however, you can still see it and the section on my right is underneath some of the land. It is very obvious. The entire left side is viewable. Yes, this is a strange photo, because the entire outline of this triangle is so sharp. There is nothing "fuzzy" about it. The photo you sent looks like it has a small letter D on the left wing. There is also a star-burst-type thingy above the triangle, but it goes partly underneath it. The thing that is so fascinating is that this thing has such crisp, sharp edges that outline it. There are no clouds anywhere on the left section. It even looks like entire cloud formations in the atmosphere are being COMPRESSED underneath this thing - like they are being squashed!

It will be interesting to see as we get closer and closer to the elections - what happens with this figure! Are we seeing something physical or is God showing us something spiritual here? Hmmmmmm.....

