Thursday, November 6, 2008

false prophet / wicked omen interpretor Denis Hart

No discernment - this wicked omen interpretor (which G-d calls DETESTABLE to Him) still thinks the dow jones dropping 777.68 on Rosh Hashanah is prophetically significant (adds 40 to it to make it "work")

I cannot believe why these wicked false prophets can't just admit they are WRONG instead of adding numbers to previously failed dates to try and make those failed dates still "valid".

Denis Hart (6 Nov 2008) "911 - Another Date to Watch"
911 - Another Date to Watch
40 days since 777.68
In watching dates (for events of significance) 9 November 2008 is of note. Downunda (in Australia) we write dates in different order - so 9 November is 9-11-2008. This may in itself have some warning element (although our emergency number is 000), and most doves are aware of prophesied events (earthquakes, war, terrorist attacks) in this period of waiting that we are in. More importantly, the largest points fall on Wall Street in history occurred on 29 September - but 30 September in Australia and in Israel (counting from sunset - the dawning of a New Year). This makes 9 November 2008 around 40 days after this warning - a warning of a greater event? There is a meeting of the Middle East quartet in Egypt on Sunday 9 November - a day to watch!
