Wednesday, November 26, 2008

false prophet Frank R Molver "verifies" things with demons???

G-d never said to verify ANYTHING with demons - yet false prophet Frank R Molver says it is okay to go to "paranormal" sites to verify prophecies???

Once again this shows a lack of discernment on the five demons ("doves") site and shows that they are false prophets.

false prophet Frank R Molver needs to stop spreading demonic lies around, needs to stop making false prophecies, and needs to repent for his wickedness.

Frank R Molver (26 Nov 2008)
"Clarification of Scott Walkington message please"

I appreciate Scott attempting to clear things up. This is what happens when we relay things, they sometimes morph. This got me because I stuck my neck out an spread it around a bit. If he did not say Bush and Obama I would like to know what he said. To me it seemed to verify the other words re Bush being the last president. But if it does not I would like to know exactly what he said please. Sometimes we use questionable sources such as paranormal sites because we are looking for verifying signs, this is dicey stuff. I am not saying Scott fits into this picture but I would like to hear the straight scoop. Some one posted that he said something would happen after Arafat which gave me a clue that something was awry. Could some one straighten this out please thanks.