As I predicted on october 27, 2008 (http://falseprophetwatch.blogspot.com/2008/10/my-prediction-not-prophecy-it-is-based.html based on the false prophet's track record - false prophet Jim Bramlett has posted his yearly "angel" encounter story --- only difference is, the "angel" this year did not claim the rapture will be before the end of the year as it usually does.
Seeing how the false prophets are somewhat predictable, I'm amazed they did not come up with some garbage the united states is about to end because the final state quarter (hawaii) was recently released. I half expected a 40 day "rapture warning" from the release date.
Jim Bramlett (25 Nov 2008)"An angel in Taco Bell"
Dear friends: On November 23, 2008 I forwarded a message about the Bible, Barack Obama, and 2008. In it I mentioned some angel encounters I have investigated, confirmed, and documented. That was mostly back in the mid-1990s. I was surprised at how many people had an encounter to report. Most involved angels who showed up in time of someone’s special need, reminding me of Hebrews 1:14: “Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” Surely, we all have encountered them, even if “unawares” (Hebrews 13:2). I did not document them all because at the time I was only interested in angels with a message about the Lord’s soon return. Mention of angels always elicits other stories, and I will share a fascinating one sent to me from a dear reader named Deborah, where the Lord’s return is mentioned. See below. Enjoy. Please do not send me an angel testimony unless it regards the soon return of the Lord, as I know the volume would overwhelm me. [Caution on angels. Beware of popular New Age angels, which are not from God. Typically, they do not honor the Father, the Son, or the Bible.] Jim _______________________________ Message from Deborah below: Dear Mr. Bramlett: As I read these articles tonight regarding the angels Vincent encountered back in the 1990s, I was struck by awe that I was reading of divine incidences such as these because I, too, experienced a similar incident sometime back in the 1990s, more like 1999 than anytime, but I am sorry to say I do not recall the actual date, or year. But let me just explain to you my encounter if you don't mind. My son had some friends that visited us regularly, and one of those friends was a little guy named Michael who unfortunately was living by God's grace on kidney dialysis. He had contracted a virus at age 6 and lost both kidneys. The doctors had told his parents he would not live to see 18, but he did live till he was a little over 21. It was near his final year that I had gained a close friendship with Michael and he with me. He did not fit in very well with the other "teens" like my son and his brother, but he took interest I guess more in someone older and thus we became very good friends. At any rate, Michael and I liked talking about supernatural things and one day while we went to eat out at a local fast food restaurant, we were discussing the things of God and how awesome God is in our lives. The restaurant was not crowded by no means and we even took note of two people near us and realized one of them was a manager and the other one was receiving an interview for a job...and as we sat and talked, I made note of a group of ladies sitting a ways from us in back of the restaurant...about 20 feet maybe from us...and looking around I just noted that there just weren't many people in there at all...and we both were talking rather normally, not loud or disturbing anyone...as I said, the manager near us was interviewing. But as we continued to share our joy in the Lord, out of the corner of my eye I noticed a rather large size black man walking towards us from what seemed like the middle of the small eating area (Taco Bell to be exact...they are not big eating areas)...and as he drew closer to us we continued talking but he stopped at our table and began to speak..."I have heard what you have been saying, and it is true..." forgive me, but it has been so long ago, the details are not clear....but I believe we both were a little amazed that this gentleman was close enough to our table, when we did not see him nearby or even at all till he walked up...but that he could hear anything we were saying! We both responded that it was just the way we felt about the Lord and how He is so good....He smiled and said Yes, He is, Amen. And as he walked on to leave, I remember turning toward him and saying "...and He's coming real soon.." and without hesitation the man turned and looked at us and responded with "Yes, very soon." We both were touched by this man's attention to what we were talking about and it seemed all too odd that an individual like him would be able to hear us at all when we did not see him prior to his approach and that he would take the time to stop by our table and let us know we were talking truth! As his car went around the building to exit the Taco Bell grounds, we watched to see if his car would come out of the driveway on the other side...as there was no other way out of that parking lot...but to our surprise, his car never came out on that side of the building...the side where he headed. We both were a little amazed at it all and asked each other "what just happened?" We both rejoiced in that we may have just encountered an angel ourselves. But the one thing we have in common here for sure are the words he responded to us with "Yes, very soon."...gives me chills now to hear of Vincent's encounters around the same time our encounter happened. Some may say it has been years past and nothing has happened....but to God years are days...so that holds no weight with me...I know God works on His time table, not ours. I just wanted to share this with someone I knew would appreciate it. Little Michael has since gone on to be with His God and Lord...and I am looking forward to seeing him again soon! I am looking forward to seeing my mother, and my mother and father-in-law, too. So, thank you for sharing these unbelievable yet so possible testimonies...as Vincent said...and we know "all things are possible with God"....Amen!! I thank God that He gave Michael and me that experience that day...it was just another way of Him letting us know He hears us and cares about everything that concerns us!
Matter of fact...it was not long after that encounter that little Michael's health began to deteriorate more and he went home to be with Jesus probably about six months later if my recollection serves me well. Perhaps it was the Lord's way of letting little Michael know that what he felt in his heart was true and that God appreciated him and me discussing God's goodness that day. All I know is I love the Lord with all my heart...I know He's coming soon...I discern it in my spirit, it's in the air....Jesus is coming soon! Very soon! Sincerely in Christ, Deborah