Saturday, November 22, 2008

false prophet Barry Amundsen agrees with false prophet Diane Walker


The ONLY "Christian" feasts are the feasts G-d gave to Israel. Christians are GRAFTED IN and are NOT a separate entity.

christmass and ishtar are totally pagan. Thanksgiving was never given by G-d as a Christian festival (Jewish people celebrate thanksgiving too - it is not wrong - it just is not a "christian festival" as these false prophets claim)


Barry Amundsen (22 Nov 2008)
"Re: Diane Walker "Christian Feast" Thank you Diane!"
From Diane Walker's post:

If my first coming for the children of Israel fulfilled the feasts of Israel, shouldn't my coming to rapture the church, the true Christians, fulfill the Christian feast?

Ok, Does this mean Thanksgiving? Or could it mean Christmas dinner? Sounds like Thanksgiving would fit best, and I'm ready. I don't even care to wait around to see if Obama is AC or Maitreya or whoever. If we get our new bodies and stick around for 40 days and nights to help the others, that would be great too.

I am so weary with this world though, and never expected to be here this long. My most comforting verse is where Jesus tells the Philadelphia Church, "Thou hast little strength..." Because that describes me very well. I get the feeling He says that because He knows that we have been watching for a long time and are weary. Once you have given up this life you cannot easily get excited about the things that once used to carry you through the trials to the next earthly delight. Heaven is your focus and being with Jesus your greatest desire. As Paul said, the desire to depart is greater than the desire to remain.

So, I hope it is Thanksgiving! Isn't Thanksgiving the only truly Christian holiday, anyway, that is not based on one pagan tradition or another? Since the Pilgrims were Christians giving thanks to God for their safe landing on the new land and they were grateful for their harvest and the Indian who taught them to farm and survive etc? Makes sense to me!

One more thing, I remember years ago when I was learning a lot from the Preparedness Expo folks, they said never be home on Thanksgiving because that is when the NWO plans to storm houses and arrest Christians and patriots because they will be tired and full and probably least expecting it. Just remembered that...

Please Come Lord Jesus!

Barry Amundsen
