Wednesday, November 26, 2008

false prophet Mark Copfer is extremely confused

false prophet Mark Copfer reassures one of his followers the rapture will happen on Rosh Hashanah - now he is prophecying a christmass (or Hanukkah or thanksgiving) rapture - Hannukah has never been considered a Christian festival and thanksgiving is on different dates in different countries - the united states is the only country to celebrate it this week.

Typical false prophet fashion - Mark Copfer reassured one of his followers before Rosh Hashanah this year that the rapture will definitely happen on a Rosh Hashanah. Now because someone had a demon (they called it angel) visitation that claimed "Jesus" said He will return on a "christian feast day" - now false prophet Mark Copfer is touting a christmass rapture (never mind christmass is totally pagan and the only Christian feast days are the ones G-d gave - which are the very same as the Jewish feasts) - and, of course, he will be touting and prophecying a Pentocost rapture when the other dates fail (never mind he reassured his follower that it could not happen on Pentocost and told him it has to happen on Rosh Hashanah)

Yet nobody says anything about their failed prophecies and there flat out lies and the discrepancies of what they say from day to day. Why can't they just WATCH EVERY SINGLE DAY as Messiah Yeshua said to??? Why do they have to use numerology and license plates (G-d calls numerology an abomination and omen interpretors DETESTABLE) instead of believing Messiah Yeshua when He said they would NOT know the day or the hour??? They repeatedly LIE and post that they can know the day of the rapture - so why are they still coming up with NUMEROUS days ??? (even before the closest dates fail they are wickedly conjuring up other dates with their numerology and information given by channeled demons)

I will be glad when the rapture happens- leaving these fruitcakes behind will be a good thing

Mark Copfer (16 Sep 2008)
"Re: Possible Pentecost 2009 Re: Jeff McGuire"

Jeff, not to worry... When the Rapture does indeed happen, it "will" be on Rosh Hashanah.. Paul does teach in 1 Corinthians 15:52 that the rapture will take place at the last trumpet. The "last trumpet" of 1 Corinthians 15:52 is singular, referring to one judgment, not a sequence of seven. Ellicott notes, "There are no sufficient grounds for supposing that there is here any reference to the seventh Apocalyptic trumpet (Rev. xi. 15), or to the seventh and last trumpet." The trumpet is blown throughout Elul (the month "before" Rosh Hashanah) except for the last day. The trumpet is silent because much about Rosh Hashanah is concealed and shrouded in mystery and satan is not to be given notice about the arrival of Rosh Hashanah.

So you can forget all about the rapture occuring on Pentecost, because that is just not going to happen. This is not what the jewish customs teach, and it is not what the bible teaches. I realize when a date comes and goes, people are anxious to jump on the next feast day, or holiday, or whatever. But that just will never ever happen according to God`s word. If people would study the Jewish customs, and Festivals of the Messiah, they would know this too. The problem is, they do not. And therefore are left to jump from date to date... God`s timetable revolves around ISRAEL, and the Jewish Feasts, period. Nothing else matters. The spring feasts of the Messiah were "Completely, Bodily, & Spiritually Fulfilled". The Fall Feasts have NOT been fulfilled. I believe that the Rapture will occur at the end of this month during Rosh Hashanah. I believe the end of the Church age is upon us, and that Daniels 70th week is about to start.. Take a look around you... pretty hard to deny.... We are indeed living in the most exciting times in the history of the earth......

Below is something that a Rabbi wrote.

The Four Freedoms

Four historical freedoms are mentioned by Rabbi Eliezer in connection with Rosh Hashana:

1. On Rosh Hashana it was Divinely decreed that the long barren Sarah, Rachel and Chana would bear children. 2. On Rosh Hashana Yosef was released from prison. 3. On Rosh Hashana our ancestors in Egypt were released from their work as slaves. 4. In the month of Rosh Hashana -- Tishrei -- the final redemption of our people will take place.

The source for all these freedoms is the shofar. Just as the sound of the shofar on Yom Kippur of the yovel year signals the freedom of Hebrew slaves, so does the shofar blast on Rosh Hashana every year signal freedom from the evil inclination which causes man to sin.

Freedom from the power of evil is the wellspring for all of the aforementioned four freedoms. Human bondage is not limited to chains. Physical handicaps, political oppression and economic dependence are all forms of bondage. It was only natural then that on Rosh Hashana, the day of freedom from sinful desire, three great women should be released from the physical handicap of childlessness. This pattern is repeated with the release from political oppression, expressed in Yosef's release from prison in which he was so unjustly incarcerated. It reaches national proportions when our ancestors are released on Rosh Hashana from the bonds of economic dependence on their Egyptian slavemasters.

But the ultimate national freedom is yet to come, and it too will be ushered in with the sound of the shofar. "And it shall come to pass on that day the great shofar will be blown" (Yishayahu 27:13). This is the sound of the shofar which will mark both the end of Israel's subjugation to other nations and human subjugation to the temptations of evil.

Mark Copfer (24 Nov 2008)
"Re: Getting close, getting darn close and when are the Christian feasts?"Frank, Hanuuka I believe is the festival of lights, a jewish feast. The Christmas feast, though Christmas was banned by our founding fathers, is the one and only Christian feast.....That's where I am confused by that other post, where she said Jesus told her he would come for his Church during a Christian feast. Somehow, since Christmas was banned by our founding fathers, is Thanksgiving a Christian feast ?? Im at a loss on this one, because I honestly dont know. But if Psalms 108 (2008) holds true, its either got to be Hanuuka, Thanksgiving, or Christmas.... One of the 3....
