Wednesday, November 19, 2008

false prophet Rex Nunn makes prophecies based on assumptopms

first - where in the bible does it say 2012 is the end of the tribulation? or the midpoint of the tribulation? or even the beginning of the tribulation???

False prophet Rex Nunn makes an assumption then gives his rapture date prophecy that fits in with his asusmptions. He also assumes the gift giving and "making merry" is christmass and not a celebration that occurs because they think the two witnesses are dead (like at the end of WWII)

Rex Nunn (19 Nov 2008)
"To TJ About The Two Witnesses"

Here is a major clue about the two witnesses. They are killed 3 1/2 days before Christma son that fateful year of 2012 A.D. That would place their death right about December 21, 2012 which I believe marks the Abomination of Desolation. Scripture says they make merry and send gifts to one another being happy the two witnesses are dead but they rise again after 3 1/2 days. If you count backward from the time they are killed exactly 1,260 days you come to a date in the spring of 2009 sometime in the middle of May which may fit an Ascension DayRapture.