Monday, November 10, 2008

false prophet Mark Copfer stretching the truth (ie: LYING) to make his point

obama did NOT draw large crowds in germany as the false prophets claim. He was the "side show" (intermission) between two free concerts from the two most popular bands in germany)

hitler also met false prophet Mark Copfer's criteria but he was not THE antimessiah (he was an antimessiah but not THE antimessiah)

The antimessiah (whether obama or prince el hassan bin talal or someone else) will draw crowds and will be popular when he rises to power (maybe because of the deadly head wound that darkens his right eye and his loss of his right arm ---- this will be why the people will take his mark in their right hand or forehead - to identify with him!) Don't be fooled - if obama can quickly rise up and be followed as a "messiah" then so can someone else.

Mark Copfer (10 Nov 2008)
"Re:Obama is NOT the AC"

Well, who else living on this earth today, can draw a crowd in a foreign country, big enough to fill 5-6 football stadiums????? Who else is alive today, that has been referred to as Jesus Christ, and also, The Messiah, in public, and on television to the whole world ??? Nobody, except obama. No human on the face of the earth has been referred to as Messiah, The One, Jesus Christ by state senators..... And no human on earth that has ever given a speech in public, to draw 250-400,000 people. Dont kid yourself. I believe without a shadow of a doubt that he is indeed "The One". And remember, The Messiah Has Spoken. When I heard that, I got sick to my stomach and nearly passed out.