Monday, November 17, 2008

false prophet Ron Reese: 'Now november 15th failed, lets look to december 20th'

I can't believe it. Instead of apologizing and repenting for failed prophecies, the false prophets just come up with even more dates.

What's wrong with watching for Messiah Yeshua's return TODAY??? Why do they feel the need to set dates to watch??? Are their egos so big and do they have to feel important by claiming G-d gives them special knowledge about an event that He said nobody would know in advance??? What is wrong with those who see how wrong these wicked false prophets are and yet continue to follow them???

false prophet Ron Reese is now saying the rapture will be on december 20, 2008

Ron Reese (17 Nov 2008)
"Dec. 20--Battle of Gog and Magog--WWIII--Sudden Destruction and the Rapture???"

Hi Doves,

Now that Nov. 15, 2008, has passed, it is time to take a serious look at Dec. 20, 2008, as the possible time of the Rapture/Sudden Destruction. Let us not forget Psalms 108. Let's not look ahead to 2009 just yet. I will be posting soon on why I believe the Rapture and Sudden Destruction are going to happen on the SAME DAY. So for now, this post will concentrate on the possible DAY of the year when The Battle of Gog and Magog--WWIII takes place.

If it is on Dec. 20, 2008, this would certainly qualify as the worldwide and nationwide crisis that so many seem to be seeing BEFORE the Bush administration ends and the Obama administration begins, that could extend the Presidency of Bush indefinitely. Which again would, if WWIII happens this Dec., make us wonder if Obama will rule the world as President of the U.S., or President of the World, or both? Most of you reading this post, know that I am totally convinced that Obama is the Antichrist and the Final 7 Years began on Oct. 29, 2008, with Obama confirming the covenant of Dan. 9:27 on that day, which was EXACTLY 2520 days from Feast of Atonement, Sept. 23, 2015. Obama promised on Oct. 29, 2008, to not only change the U.S., but to also CHANGE THE WORLD!!!

Sept. 23, 2015, is the beginning of a Sabbatical cycle and a Jubilee cycle (according to J.R. Church and Bonnie Gaunt, both of whose research is tops in prophetic circles). 7 X 7 Jewish years from Dec. 6, 1967, brings us right to the EXACT same day, Sept. 23, 2015. Then there are the eclipses also pointing us to that SAME DAY. It SHOULD be next to impossible for anyone reading this to deny that the 70th week of Daniel started 2520 days, or 7 Jewish years, before the date of Sept. 23, 2015, Feast of Atonement ( the Feast Day that most Bible scholars have always pointed towards as the Feast Day for the literal 2nd Coming of Christ). On the VERY DAY that he was supposed to, Oct. 29, 2008, Obama fulfilled Dan. 9:27, giving us the EXACT date of the beginning of the 70th Week of Daniel, and the indentity of the Antichrist.

Why Dec. 20 for the possible date of the Rapture and Sudden Destruction of Ezekiel 38 and 39--WWIII? Grant Jeffrey is one the most respected prophetic scholars, speaker, and author of many well-researched prophecy books. One of his most popular books was published in 1988, entitled, "Armageddon: Appointment with Destiny". He has been teaching for years that we can know THE DAY of the year of the Battle of Gog and Magog (World War III). He bases this teaching on Haggai, Chapter 2, which seems to be the same battle as the Battle of Gog and Magog in Ezekiel 38 and 39. He does not tell us we can know the year, only the DAY of the year.

When the Lord mentions the SAME DAY not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES in one chapter, it is highly probable that it is an extremely significant day. In Haggai, Chapter 2, in verse 10, in verse 18, and in verse 20, he gives us the very SAME DAY. Again, not the year, but the DAY of the year. THE DAY of the year mentioned 3 TIMES in Haggai, Chapter 2, is the 24th day of Chisleu, which is on the eve of Hanukkah, which this year is Dec. 20, 2008.

I am now quoting from Grant Jeffrey's book, "Armageddon: Appointment with Destiny", Chapter 7, the final 3 paragraphs in this chapter of this excellent book:

"Although Scripture does not indicate the exact year in which this invasion and defeat will occur, the prophet Haggai reveals that on the TWENTY-FOURTH DAY OF THE NINTH MONTH of the Jewish calendar (Chisleu), the day before Hanukkah, God will deliver Israel as He did twice before on this anniversary: (1) the defeat of the Syrian army and recapture of the Temple in 165 B.C. and (2) the capture of Jerusalem from the Turks in A.D. 1917.

The prophet Haggai declares: "The Word of the Lord came unto Haggai in THE FOUR AND TWENTIETH DAY OF THE MONTH (CHISLEU), saying, Speak to Zerubbabell, governor of Judah, saying, I will shake the heavens and the earth; and the strength of the kingdoms of the heathen; and I will overthrow the chariots, and those that ride in them; and the horses and their riders shall come down, every one by the sword of his brother" (Haggai 2: 20-22)"

"This description and exact language is uncannily like that of Ezekiel 38 and 39, which describe Russia's defeat. The interesting point is that it names THE EXACT DAY of the year on which this will occur. Since so many other prophecies have been so precisely fulfilled to the day, there is a strong likelihood that this event will also occur on its appointed day. "Behold, it is come, and it is done, saith the Lord God; this is THE DAY whereof I have spoken" (Exekiel 39:8). God's appointment with Russia is set; it will be kept."

Lest some of you be misunderstand because of the title of the book, Grant Jeffrey is not talking about the Battle of Armaggedon and the Battle of Gog and Magog being the same battle, as a few teach. The next obvious question is, "Is 2008 the year of this Battle of Gog and Magog???" It is my contention from my study of Scripture that this Battle of Gog and Magog--WWIII--Sudden Destruction is the likely time of the Rapture. Is the Rapture/Sudden Destruction going to still happen in 2008??? The most likely date that we have left in 2008 is THE DAY of the year that is mentioned THREE TIMES in Haggai, Chapter 2, which is the day before Hanukkah. This year that day is Dec. 20, 2008. I do not know if this is the year for this battle to take place. But if it is, BE READY FOR DEC. 20, 2008, THE POSSIBLE DATE FOR THE FULFILLMENT OF EZEKIEL 38 AND 39, THE BATTLE OF GOG AND MAGOG--WWIII--SUDDEN DESTRUCTION AND THE RAPTURE!!!



Ron Reese