Wednesday, November 19, 2008

false prophet Tony Ellsworth is off his meds again

false prophet Tony Ellsworth is mentally unstable and he frequently posts some outrageous numerology scheme (also promoted in his book) that gives false rapture dates (most which have already failed)

I cannot believe anyone of sound mine would think the apollo 8 and 11 launches has anything to do with the rapture - let alone believe G-d told them about it.

christmass is a pagan celebration and is not the birthday of Messiah Yeshua - it is the "birthday" of the babylonian sun "god" tammuz. Do your own research - it was celebrated in babylon and was brought back to Israel (read about it in Ezekiel) and was "christianized" by constantine. false prophet Tony Ellsworth also gives credibility to the mayans and their calendar instead of obeying G-d and His Holy Word (the bible)


Tony Ellsworth (19 Nov 2008)

"Christmas Eve Rapture"
I have seen and read posts by Gary Rich & Marilyn Agee in regards to a Christmas Eve Rapture. I am excited about this!!!
I have been watching right along with everyone else from Spring to Summer to Fall and now coming upon Winter.
To me it’s not about predicting but watching, not intellectual, but rather the heart, however as some of you know December 24th is a significant date in the book I wrote called “Midnight Shout!” Some of you that have read the book and corresponded with me already know this, but I’m passing it along because it confirms this date from a different perspective.
This is why it’s good to communicate – I was encouraged to see two others that pointed out a great witness about this date.
In the book I establish the significance of the moon, God’s promise to Abraham, marriage, etc. Also I explain about the prophetic & spiritual significance of the contrast of Apollo 8 & 11. Apollo 8 was the 1st manned flight to orbit the moon where on the largest broadcast ever to date the astronauts read Genesis 1:1-10 attributing creation to God. The next day an atheist sued and by the time Apollo 11 put a man on the moon there was no mention of God, man took one huge step for himself, by himself however one man took communion on the moon in secret not even telling his wife for fear for repercussion for years.
Here is a very short dateline excerpt from the book, Chapter 11, bottom of page 57 (which I wrote this past summer)
December 24th 1968 + 14,400 days = May 28th 2008.
Although this date passed, this was the day God told me about Apollo 8 & 11.
July 20th 1969 + 14,400 days = December 22nd 2008
This date has not come about yet and is interesting since it is December 22nd 2012 that is the Mayans date for the end of the world.

Date of Flight or Landing 365 day Years
December 24th 1968 + 40 years = December 24th 2008
July 20th 1969 + 40 years = July 20th 2009
God told me about the Apollo programs & their significance on May 28th, by the time I began to understand the significance and that it was 40 biblical years the day had mercifully passed since I would have anxiously been waiting on this day. However, looking at it now it’s quite a testimony and witness from God in my heart.
I believe each of the other dates are significant as well. December 22nd is Hanukkah and the day after Solstice/Winter and likely a foreshadowing of things to come since it is a date calculation from Apollo 11 where man glorified himself.
December 24th Immanuel – “God with us”, Rapture “us with God” Maranatha!!! The Light of the World!!!
July 2009 has been a timeframe mentioned in regards to the anti-christ by David Flynn and other authors. This certainly would be another testimony to that possibility.
Watching anxiously!!!
Merry Christmas (early)!
