Friday, November 7, 2008

false prophet 'Stella' defends the demonic five demons ("doves") site

false prophet 'Stella' claims rejecting false prophets and their false prophecies is "unchristian" and "unloving"

WOW - my bible says that the wolves have crept in because they were accepted and loved as "brothers". We are told to EXPELL THE IMMORAL BROTHER - and the false prophets were to be killed, not accepted as brothers (now Judgement comes from Messiah Yeshua since He is High Priest and is the one to carry out the judgement) There is absolutely NO DISCERNMENT ***ANYWHERE*** on the five demons ("doves") web site.

II Tim 4:3-4

"For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths"

Stella (7 Nov 2008) "to Gina from Stella"
Gina I'll be praying for you, that the bank will recognise their fault and restore your finances and that your daughter's heart will be healed by the Lord Jesus. Better I suppose that she know now how shallow that boy really was but it hurts so much I know. As for Rapture Ready well if they're that unloving and unChristian that they can't tolerate a difference of opinion on non-essentials and non-doctrine then maybe you'll be better to leave them behind. Anyway, surely you can just access the website and read and they can't stop you? I will be praying though.loveStella
