As I stated yesterday, the false prophets will find events today that they will say is a "seven day rapture warning" even though the bible NEVER states that there will be a warning of ANY kind. Messiah Yeshua says to KEEP WATCH because we will NOT know when He will return.
Of course when the november 15 rapture date fails, false prophet Phil will claim that his car overheating was a "40 day warning" (which is also unbiblical)
Some warning when the event never takes place. If G-d was going to give us a warning (He isn't) He would make it EXTREEMLY CLEAR that it is a warning - and the event He warned us about will happen.
II Tim 4:3-4"For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths"
Phil (8 Nov 2008) "Warning Sign?"
John and Doves,
Something happened to me today, Saturday 8th November, which made me think it might be a 7 day warning before November 15th.
I was 5/6 of the way through my work run this morning and my car started talking to me! It said "HOT" on the dashboard with a sort of musical alarm! It was flashing on off - HOT... HOT... HOT. You know when you play those games trying to find something that's been hidden or such like? They say "You are getting warmer" when you get closer to the hidden object. If you get very close to it they say "you are getting HOT now!" When I saw the sign flashing on and off on my dashboard I had a look at the temperature guage and saw it was close to the very top. Time to pull over and investigate, which just happened to be at one of my regular stops. After the steam had subsided I went to use my mobile to organise assistance. It wasn't there! I had left it at home on charge! Score? Zero out of 10.
A lady onlooker said "Did you put that sticker on your car?" "Yes", I said, "I designed it". "Praise God", she said.
A friendly male onlooker supplied me with advice and several cable ties and a knife and I was able to patch up the place where the coolant had leaked out. I then topped up the radiator with water and finished my work and managed to get home. I was then able to locate a spare part, collect it in my wife's car and fit it later that same afternoon. Phew!
The cost of the part and new coolant? Exactly $70.
Was it a personal 7 day warning about Heshvan 17 (Nov 15th) next Saturday? Maybe.
Praise God.