What doies the dow jones closing have to do with anything (except the numbers game) ??? And SO WHAT if the dow jones closed 7.70% lower and gold closed at 776.80 ??? (OOPS - Nando GOOFED - gold did NOT close at 777 - it was 776.8 - so I guessed whatever IT was suppose to signify is invalid now! --- and, besides, it was for february gold futures and the commodity price per ounce closed at 770.50 in the u.s. on the day Nando took these numbers from - december 1, 2008 --- London price was closer to 777 but the dow jones is united states and it is only fair to use the numbers from the sane country - although since false prophets are dishonest liars, they would have selected the london close because it fit whatever they wanted to try and prove ---- even though they have never even stated why this was meaningful to them)
I can't believe these fruitcakes and their followers. Note the fruitcakes don't even explain why this is so significant to them - they are using it as an omen and G-d calls them DETESTABLE to Him:
Deuteronomy 18:10-12 "There shall not be found among you anyone who uses divination or who practices witchcraft or one who interprets omens or is a sorcerer or who casts a spell or is a medium or a spiritist or who calls up the dead. For whosoever does these things is detestable to the Lord."
Nando (2 Dec 2008)
"THE DOW -7.7%, GOLD 777 WOW!"
Nando (2 Dec 2008)"THE DOW -7.7%, GOLD 777 WOW!"
Dow -679.95down-7.70%
Nasdaq -137.50down-8.95%
S&P -80.03down-8.93%
U.S. markets closed
Stock Market Summary
Name Last Change %Change
Dow industrials 8,149.09 -679.95 -7.70%
Nasdaq Composite 1,398.07 -137.50 -8.95%
S&P 500 816.21 -80.03 -8.93%
Index Futures
Name Last Change %Change
Dow industrials 8,139.00 -682.00 -7.73%
Nasdaq Composite 1,499.00 -37.00 -2.41%
S&P 500 36.00 unch 0.00%
Top Gainers
Name Last %Change
ESCC 1.35 +181.23%
MNT 30.58 +89.35%
TRU 2.97 +60.54%
Top Losers
Name Last %Change
NEWS 2.69 -43.49%
HRP 1.57 -43.12%
NCT 1.03 -42.46%
Market Internals
Issues NYSE Nasdaq
Advancing 218 466
Declining 2,693 2,447
Unchanged 51 79
Total 2,962 2,992
to Decliners 0.08 0.19
Advancing 20,266,000 50,749,000
Declining 1,604,533,000 1,877,825,000
Unchanged 993,000 8,141,000
Total 1,625,792,000 1,936,715,000
Name Last Change %Change
776.80 unch 0.00%
future for SI
9.38 unch 0.00%
Light Sweet Crude Oil
49.28 unch 0.00%