Friday, December 19, 2008

false prophet Frank R Molver - "careful, the false prophet may be right"

false prophet Frank R Molver is warning his followers that we need to be careful in case false prophet Scott Walkington is right (even if he isn't 100% right) - yet he does not give the same warning that he may be wrong and we may need to reject him and his false prophecies (and his visit to "heaven") as false when he is shown to be wrong and proven to be a false prophet. If the information was from G-d and G-d wanted it to be told, it would be 100% accurate - and no room for error as false prophet Frank R. Molver leaves room for.

Frank R Molver (19 Dec 2008) "Paul Snyder's letter re Scott"
Yes, that is exactly right.I think the info may be not perfect cause it is hard to relay things like that from heaven and our own error in our interpretation. If what Scott says turns out to be true we all need to be very sure we are not playing around with God.There are several other sources that seem to corroborate this scenario of Bush being the last president. 87 years old. I think I knew you when you were just a young feller. like 72. We were involved in digging around in Qumran.God blessfrank
