"christmass" is ba-almass and is entirely paganism that has been "christianized" just as the statues of isis and horus were "christianized" and called the "virgin mary" and "baby jesus" by the catholics - and their daughter churches that only "reformed" a FEW things the "reformers were against (while leaving most of the paganism intact)
Gary Rich (8 Dec 2008) "Heaven's Banquet Invitation"
You are cordially invited to Heaven's Banquet Feast. The Guests of Honor is all Christian Believers. Your server for this Banquet will be our Lord and Savior Jesus ChristDate and Time : The Banquet will begin immediately after the Christian believers rapture when Jesus returns to carry all living and dead Christians up into heaven. Don't be left behind, you will miss out on all the funAttire : You will be given a brand new set of clean clothes. Jesus said something about new white robes and crowns for everyoneBanquet Tickets : Admission is free. Jesus has already paid for everyone. He says you wouldn't have been able to afford it anyway. It cost Him everything He had, but you do need to accept His eternal salvation ticketRefreshments : New wine, bread and a far-out drink He calls " Living Water " . Followed by a supper that promises to be out of this worldGift Suggestions : Your Life. He's one of those people who already has everything else. He's generous in return though, just wait untill you see what He has for youEntertainment : Joy, Peace, Truth, Light, Love, Real Happiness, Communion with God, Forgiveness, Miracles, Healing, Power, Eternity in Paradise, Contentment and so much more. All are "G" rated, so bring your family and friendsRSVP: Very important. He must know ahead so He can reserve a spot for you at the eternal banquet table. Also - He's keeping a list of His friends for future reference. He calls it the " Lambs Book of Life ". Ask Jesus Christ into your life to be your Lord and Savior and you will be listed in this very special Eternal Book. Hope to see you there, for those of you whom i will see at the party - share this message with someone today -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A Christmas Eve / Hanukkah 2008 rapture is now only 17 days away. And your appearance at the Banquet Feast hosted by the King of Kings and the Lord of Lord's , our Savior Jesus Christ is coming up fast. If you already have your reservation confirmed for your appearance at this eternal banquet celebration -praise the Lord. But if your still not 100 percent sure that you will be there when the rapture trumpet blows, right now pray and ask Jesus Christ to forgive all your sins and come into your life to be your Lord and Savior. And very soon you will be hearing Jesus calling you heaven-bound !!!
Gary Rich (8 Dec 2008)
"December 2008 rapture in Psalm 96"
Psalm 96, if you count the psalms going month by month for the 21st Century, would fall on the month of December 2008. The month we are now in. I was reading a devotional today that had some really interesting comments on this psalm that i thought you all would be interested in :( Psalm 96 : this Psalm is vibrant with shouts of joy as God approaches to " judge the world in righteousness " . This psalm is a shout of joy. It is a portrait of God's children lining the streets, with arms open, jumping up and down in excitment as the Lord approaches. If your own relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ is warm and close, this psalm will excite you. The Lord is near, coming to bring Judgement to the world )three times in this psalm we are told that the Lord is coming to bring Judgement to the planet. That is what is going to happen when Jesus calls all christian believers home in the rapture and then brings His wrath and judgement onto the whole world. We have at the most only 3 weeks to go before we are called heaven-bound. Most rapture watchers are expecting Jesus to return for us around Christmas Eve 2008, which is also the 3rd day of the Hebrew Festival of Hanukkah. We will be hearing our Lord's rapture trumpet calling us home very shortly. We will be opening our Christmas presents in heaven this year, and what an out of this world Christmas party that will be !!!