Saturday, March 14, 2009

five demons ("doves") false prophet Frank R. Molver says to stop reading the five demons ("doves") web site!

false prophet Frank R. Molver says to stop filling your mind with the worthless garbage of the five demons ("doves") web site and read your bible for yourself. There are too many ego driven false prophets prophecying lies trying to mix up your mind and lead you away from Truth.

Frank R Molver (14 March 2009) "Richards rapture question"
Probably the best thing for you to do to stop the confusion is turn off the TV and radio. Too many voices mixing up your mind, many of them ego driven. Spend time alone reading the word yourself. Don't worry, God will speak to your heart, little by little, bit by bit. Trust him, you don't need to go find an expert, he is the expert.
