Monday, March 30, 2009

false prophet Ron Reese is back soliciting followers

false prophet Ron Reese claimed the tribulation started on october 29, 2008 when obama had an infomercial. Then false prophet Ron Reese claimed the rapture would "for sure" and "absolutely confirmed" would be on january 11, 2009. Now false prophet Ron Reese is soliciting followers to send his pack of lies to on a regular basis. Want to be he will solicit funds because he is "called to be a full time watchmen" by his demons???

2 Peter 2
1 But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. 2 Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. 3 In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.

Hi Doves, Below is an email that I sent to my mailing list over the weekend. I would now like to forward it to you, as I would love to include you on my mailing list, now that the Lord has commissioned me to be a FULL-TIME WATCHMAN. Just send me your email address, or anybody else's that you believe would like to keep updated on what is happening that revolves around end-time Bible Prophecy.
Maranatha, my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Each of you receiving this email has written to me in the past few months. I have been bombarded with about 2000 emails and have not had the time to answer all of them. As of now, this will change, as I have just retired 4 to 6 years early from the U.S. Postal Service, to fulfill my calling by the Lord to become a full-time watchman. I have left a very secure job in these tough economic times because
the Lord has revealed to me and supernaturally CONFIRMED to me that Obama is the Antichrist and that 70th Week of Daniel began on Oct. 29, 2008, and will conclude on Feast of Atonement, Sept. 23, 2015.

I am 100% convinced of those two things. I am also 100% convinced that the Lord has lead me to retire from a very secure and very rewarding job, with good pay and great benefits, to become a full-time watchman. I will be sending to my mailing list, which now comprises about 300 people, anything important, relevant, and timely, concerning the end-times. I do not expect everyone to agree with everything that I write, or that I forward to you. That is not necessary to be on my mailing list.

I trust that each of you will give me a chance to be a watchman with you. Most of you do not have the time to search for relevant information and to keep up with all that is going on concerning end-time Bible Prophecy. I now have a WHOLE LOT MORE TIME than I used to, so I am trusting that most of you will let me do that for you, by staying on my mailing list. I will honor any request to be deleted from my mailing list at any time.

Here is what I am asking of you. Would you please forward to me anything important and relevant to end-time prophecy that you run across? If I consider it relevant enough, I may forward it to the rest of the people on my mailing list. I will try to use discernment in what I send to you. Most of the emails that I send to 5 Doves will be sent to you automatically. I want to be a blessing to you, so that you can be a blessing to others.

The other thing I would like you to do is send to me email addresses of people you are quite sure would like to be on my mailing list. You can also give me email addresses of people that you would like to receive my postings on of Nov. 6 and Nov. 7, as a warning message. Those are the two postings revealing Obama as the Antichrist and the time frame for the 70th Week of Daniel. I will not add those people to my mailing list, unless I receive a response from them. Nor will I send them any more emails than those first two. You may also feel free to forward ANYTHING that I send to you, to whomever the Lord leads you to send it to.

In the next week or so, I will probably be sending you nothing NEW. With 300 people on my current mailing list, I have no idea who has read what. I have written several important emails. Several of you have received most, or all of them. Others have received none, or just a few of them. So, I will be forwarding all of the important and relevant emails that I have written in the past few months, over the next week or two to all of you. I am very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause some of you. Just delete the ones you have already read. The only way that I can blind carbon copy these is to send them to you as a group. Therefore, everybody must receive them.

In a week or so, I will try to send you NEW emails and important and relevant prophetic information. I will do my best not to bombard you with info, but emails are easy to delete, if you do not want to read them. I am confident that much of what I will send, or forward, to you will enrich and enhance your lives as Biblical watchmen. I am also here to attempt to answer questions and to minister to you. Thank you for allowing me to be a fellow watchman with you. JESUS IS COMING VERY VERY SOON!! LET'S SERVE HIM TOGETHER, in the VERY short time we have left.

Ron Reese