Wednesday, March 25, 2009

false prophet 'Louis' thinks the volcanic activity are demons coming up from hell

While there is an increase of demonic activity, it has nothing to do with the volcanos that are erupting and becoming active. The believe that volcano activity has to do with demons is pagan in origin and is what led many cultures to offer sacrifices to appease the "gods" and stop the volcanic activity.

Volcano activity is prophecied to increase during the last days but that has to do with global warming and the future pole shift (which is caused by magma movement in the earth) it has nothing to do with demon spirits.

Louis (25 March 2009) "Shaking and Sifting on the way!! Volcanic activity maybe linked"
Hi John and Doves; I heard this past Saturday 'from a brother' that evil spirits are going to be "released" 'MORE OF THEM' maybe from Hell. Why? I believe to 'shake and sift' "All of us".
The timing of the Volcanic activity makes me wonder if these spirits are coming from Hell.Jesus said,because of this we will need to [Keep a hedge around us],THIS IS A "MUST NOW"!!STAY AWAY FROM "ANYTHING UNGODLY",OUR HOPE IS IN CHRIST,JESUS.These "Demons" are going to drive people MAD!--Pray,Stay AND GIVE NO PLACE TO THE DEVIL,THESE ARE 'DEMONS'.TIME IS VERY SHORT!!PS.THIS INFORMATION IS COMING FROM SOMEONE I TRUST AND JESUS SAID TO "KEEP A HEDGE".Louis.
