Wednesday, March 18, 2009

false prophet "dr" Mike Curtiss prophecies the rapture will be on april 15, 2009

We have false prophets prophecying the rapture will be on Passover, 10 days after Passover, 40 days after Passover, and now 7 days after Passover - each with their own little numerology scheme and scripture twisting to prove their false prophecies.

While the five foolish false prophets are off looking for false rapture date "confirmations" the five wise are patiently watching and waiting for Messiah Yeshua's IMMINENT return.

Mike Curtiss (18 March 2009) "Taking a Closer Look at Passover and Our Coming Redemption"

Hi John,

I hope you are not snowed over by the volume of the material I'm sending you but, I've found a similarity between the past acts of G*d to save and redeem His covenant people Israel. My comments appear in red. It always occur "one week after" G*d told Moses to lead the Jews out of Egypt in the Exodus! It happened again "one week after" the Lord showed Israel how to capture Jericho and G*ds promise to deliver the holyland into their hands! There are many more "one week after" events sprinkled across time where G*d makes provision for His Children.

These are Rapture "type" events that forewarn us of what we can expect on April 15th/Nissan 15th, "one week after" Passover of April 9th/Nissan 21! Right now Christians are trapped in a fallen evil world where we have no hope beyond the provision of "Jesus Christ our Blessed Hope" Just as Israel was taken out of Egypt, saved from eradication by Esther in Persia and given the Promised land when the city of Jericho was miraculously taken. In this last week of years, Israel will once again break the hammerlock the nations of the world and the Philistines/Palestinians enjoy over Israel. The entire holyland will soon be taken back miraculously by Messiah. All the while those Jesus chooses to rapture home will spend seven weeks of years with our King Jesus in the place He has built for us! All this will occur before the saints return with Him in the Millenial Kingdom of Christ Jesus!

Agape Love to You My Brother,