Wednesday, March 25, 2009

false prophet 'Lauren' once again twisting / adding to scripture to fit her own agenda

false prophet 'Lauren' is taking a specific prophecy about the antimessiah receiving his power from ten leaders who have not received their kingdoms and claims that this is about the last ten american presidents??? This is a wacky fruitcake false prophet and has no scriptural basis for her obvious demonic prophecies.

2 Peter 2
1 But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. 2 Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. 3 In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.

Lauren (25 March 2009) "ONE HOUR WITH THE ‘BEAST’"

Revelation 17:12 And the ten horns which you saw ARE TEN KINGS, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings ONE HOUR with the beast

On Israel’s national day of mourning over the destruction of its two temples on the Fast of Tisha B'Av, August 15, 1967, Army Chief Rabbi Shlomo Goren and 50 Israelis went to pray on the Temple Mount.

However Defense Minister Moshe Dayan ordered the commander of the Central Command to prevent any further action that might incite the Moslems, the General told the Rabbi, "Honored Rabbi, if you will go up to the Mount again, I will be compelled to REMOVE YOU BY FORCE."

The following day, August 16, 1967, the Ministerial Committee in charge of the holy places met and unanimously FORBADE JEWISH PRAYER that had been set for the following Shabbat. That was the beginning of a humiliating Jewish policy that stunned no one more than the Moslems who could not believe the manifestation of Jewish madness they had just seen.

From August 16, 1967 to April 16, 2009 is 15,218 days,

Using the 1 day as 1000 years formula, 1 hour has the equivalent of 15,218 days thereby from the day Jewish prayer was forbidden on the temple mount, August 16, 1967 to April 16, 2009 is 15,218 days.

What is so astounding about this date is that it is eight days after the Birkat Ha Chamah on April 8, 2009 and the predicted ‘tempest of the Lord’ that TOOK OUT the “raiser of taxes”. If that is the case then the “10th” king would be in power albeit but a few days fulfilling the ONE HOUR OF THE BEAST prophecy!

With the fulfillment of Revelation 13:5’s revealing of the antichrist on the new moon of April 25, 2009 coming but nine days later!


Revelation 17:16 And the ten horns which you saw upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.17 For God has put into their hearts (the 10 kings) to fulfill his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom UNTO THE BEAST, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. 18 And the woman which you saw is that great city, (DC) which reigns over the kings of the earth.

Who are they 1) Johnson 1963-69, 2) Nixon, 3) Ford, 4) Carter, 5) Reagan, 6) Bush Sr., 7) Clinton, 8) Bush Jr. 9) Obama, 10) Biden. Barack Obama is fulfilling the role of the ‘black horse’ of Revelation 6:5-6 and the ‘leopard’ of Daniel 7:6 who is the “raiser of taxes that is destroyed neither in anger or battle” of Daniel 11:20.

That ‘destruction’ comes in the way of a “tempest”, Isaiah 28:1-4, that will give Joe Biden less than three weeks at the helm until Revelation 13:5’s 42 new moon reign of the antichrist begins on April 25, 2009.
Giving Him the glory, an Ezekiel 33:6 watching one, REPENT the Kingdom of God is at hand, make your election SURE
