And if june shows up, he will block out another three months for yet another false rapture date prophecy (while claiming the first prophecy did not fail by adding 40 days to it)
The false prophets are the five foolish virgins out looking for annointed rapture dates while the five wise virgins are watching for Messiah Yeshua's imminent return.
false prophet Mike Curtiss is prophecying that a war will happen over Passover 2009 (Hebrew calendar year 5769) and the rapture will happen right after. Apparently he thinks that a gamma ray burst in 2008 was a year warning. A warning, to be a warning, needs to be obvious to those that were being warned otherwise it is just a made up lie by a false prophet to bolster their false prophecies. NOBODY except false prophet Mike Curtiss (and his followers) thinks the gamma ray bursts of last year was a warning for anything (this is the first I even heard of them) Why are these gamma ray bursts not mentioned in the bible if they are suppose to be "year markers" and "warnings" as false prophet Mike Curtiss claims? And why doesn't anyone else know about this???
II Tim 4:3-4
3 For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.
Mike Curtiss (16 March 2009) "March 19th In Context"
Hi Marilyn, I'm sorry if I'm adding to your burdens by sending so many e-mails your way. Please bear with me Sister, I think you'll enjoy why God put those three gamma ray bursters (GRB's) of 2008 in the heavens. As one year markers, they warn the nations of the world that Israel remains the one and only "apple of God's eye" Israel suffers today from both worldwide anti-semitism and a direct threat of nuclear annhilation from Iran, Pakistan and Russia. After Passover, Israel will emerge apparently victorious. The two great witnesses will then come forward. God is acting to alert the Jews; in 5769 on "Passover" God will act decisively in defense of His people Israel. We don't yet know if these miracles will be atributed to Jesus Messiah or, to another new ruler masquerading as messiah, the Prince to Come" Nevertheless God is faithful, He will perform great wonders and powerful miracles on behalf of His people Israel. The balance of power in the Middle East will become so one sided that the whole world will flock to Israel and support the rebuilding of the Third Temple which, will rapidly take shape. I don't know if King Jesus will get the credit. But, on or about passover this year God will reach down and gather up His children at the Rapture. The "time of Jacob's trouble" the tribulation probably started October 21, 2008 the 8th day of Tabernacles. Simchat Torah, the end and new beginning of public Torah readings. Daniel's 70th Week should run 2520 days (1260 plus 1260), ending on September 14, 2015 (the Feast of Trumpets, Tishri 1, 5776), the Day of God's Wrath. God's perfect seven year plan for the final seven years before He returns at the Second Advent to rule and reign for one thousand years is outlined by the enormously powerful explosions of GRB's in 2008. These GRB's come in context of 5769, I expect the Rapture of the Church to occur from March 19th to May 29th. April 8th's passover could be followed seven days later on April 15th with the Rapture. Jesus is my passover, the humble and broken family of believers will be taken to heaven to learn God's ways and enjoy the prospect of seven years together serving our King. The gamma ray burster (GRB) on March 19th 2008 was a one year warning given to mankind in general but to Israel in particular. Below, I've reprinted the Jewish calenders notation for March 19th 2009. One year after the GRB of March 19th 2008, this date marks the beginning of a 74 day training period for the priests charged with tending to the Almighty when He comes again to dwell in the tabernacle. Remember, we found out that the GRB of September 15th 2008 was a one year marker placed seven years ahead of the end of the Tribulation. On September 15, 2015; the tribulation will end with the Day of God's Wrath on Earth and the Wedding Supper of the Lamb in Heaven. Until I found out that April 8th 2009 was both Passover and "Birkat Hachamah" (BH) the blessing of the Sun/Son. So, how does this make March 19th special this year you ask? Well, just as GRB 080915 acts as a one year marker for the end of the seven year Tribulation in 2015. GRB 080319 is also a one year marker placed to point forward to passover and the beginning of a divine seven year training period for the raptured saints in order to give them time to prepare for their return to rule and reign with Jesus Messiah. Hi Marilyn, Listening to JR Church is how I became aware of Jewish escatological writings. I went to this chibad Jewish Calender website to discover more. Fortunately, a recent daily update from last Wednesday says so much more about "the blessing of the Sun" ceremony not found on the chibad website. Try to locate the daily update for last Wednesday which, features an amatuer prophecy buff "Chuck from New York" he presents amazing new material which, profoundly increases the importance of (BH). Jewish escatology figures directly into the importance of April 8th. In the entire history of the Jews, the blessing of the Sun/Son (BH) only occurs "3 times on Passover" Just as we have observed three prophetic GRB's in 2008, only the third and final "Birkat Hachamah" blessing of the sun on April 8th occurs before the coming of the Jewish messiah. His return brings about a new birth and the final redemption of Israel. No more "Birkat Hachamahs" occur on Passover. According to the Rosh Codesh, previously the miraculous redemption of the Jews out of Egypt; on the first Passover and Purim occured when the miracle of the redemption of the Jews in Persia. Only BH on Passover this year remains! That's right, only this April 8th remains before Israel is once again redeemed! How this affects Christian pretribulationalists, I don't understand? Please go to PITN then click on last Wednesday's daily update. Immediately JR says "Chuck from New York sent us an interesting e-mail" JR reads his e-mail, hold on to your hat Sister! Thank you for your prayers and your work for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.
Today in Jewish History
Mishkan assembled for the 1st time; "Seven Days of Training" begin (1312 BCE)
The Children of Israel began building the "Mishkan" (also called the "Tabernacle"--a portable sanctuary to house the Divine presence in their midst as they journeyed through the desert) on the 11th of Tishrei of the year 2448 from creation (1312 BCE) -- six months after their Exodus from Egypt, three months after the revelation at Sinai, and 80 days after their worship of the Golden Calf. The construction of the Mishkan, which followed a detailed set of instructions issued to Moses on Mount Sinai, lasted 74 days, and was completed on the 25th of Kislev; but the Divine command to erect the edifice came only three months later, on the 23rd of Adar, when Moses was instructed to begin a 7-day "training period."
During the week of Adar 23-29, the Mishkan was erected each morning and dismantled each evening; Moses served as the High Priest and initiated Aaron and his four sons into the priesthood. Then, on the "eighth day" -- the 1st of Nissan -- the Mishkan was "permanently" assembled (that is, put up to stand until the Divine command would come to journey on), Aaron and his sons assumed the priesthood, and the divine presence came to dwell in the Mishkan.