Thursday, January 1, 2009

false prophet John Tng, owner of the five demons ("doves") web site is a VERIFIED false prophet (once again)

false prophet, satanist, and numerologist, John Tng - owner of the infamous five demons ("doves") web site made a prophecy which he "based on Psalm 108" that the rapture would happen in the year 2008. he claimed there were "confirmations" and that the rapture "HAD TO" happen in 2008 based on "the numbers" he "found" in Psalm 108. He specifically gave the year 2008 so he cannot now claim it is still 2008 based on some other calendar or some other numbering scheme he or his gullible followers come up with.

ALL of the world is now in the year 2009 which has verified that John Tng of the five demons ("doves") web site is a false prophet.