Saturday, January 10, 2009

false prophet Gloria McCrea and her omen interpretations

It is now 5:50 on my clock - what does that mean? And does it relate to the earthquakes the false prophets are predicting? (or maybe I should have waited five minutes before posting???)

Deuteronomy 18:10-12 "There shall not be found among you anyone who uses divination or who practices witchcraft or one who interprets omens or is a sorcerer or who casts a spell or is a medium or a spiritist or who calls up the dead. For whosoever does these things is detestable to the Lord."

Gloria McCrea (10 Jan 2009) "Numbers"
Here's some numbers I've seen lately: I'm not an extreme clock watcher. On my TV, just as I sat down, it flashed 5:55. Could that relate to the rapture? And as I was reading a post about January 11, I looked at my computer clock & it said 10:11. Could that signify January 11, or is that just a coincidence? Gloria McCrea