Yet another one who thinks that their "seeing numbers" means something.
I cannot believe how many people have allowed themselves to be deceived. Once they have fallen into disobedience and look to false prophets, they have opened themselves up to this deception.
Anyone who has read the bible and believes what it says would not be open to such foolishness.
Now Charlton Heston's life is a prophetic significance??? What utter nonsense!
I appreciated your article James.I too have seen the number 222 so many times this past year that I can't even say how many.I've seen 444 and 555 and 333 and 111 and even 11:11 many times too, but can't imagine what they all mean.I did have a few ideas about these numbers.I have a Bible with many of the Strong's numbers right on the printed pages of scriptural text. I first noticed the number 444 when reading about the 'man' of sin in 2nd Thessalonians 2:3. I had already been seeing the number 444 on my digital alarm clock at that time, and when I saw it in my Bible, I made a connection.I pretty much decided that 555 was the ultimate manifestation of the number of grace, 5.I made a study of all the possible combinations of 111, thinking that one of them might be a reference to a chapter and verse of scripture, either chapter 1 verse 11 or chapter 11 verse one, but I didn't come up with anything conclusive.Then there is the number 333. I just assumed that it was trinitarian in nature. Still don't know.
When you talked about the final season of the House of Ruth, I remembered the final season of Charlton Heston this year too.