Friday, August 29, 2008

Marie Komar - demonic dominionist; "voting for evil is Christian"

In Marie Komar's "opinion" conquering is the same as occupying. The dictionary (definitions in biblical context) says differently:

Dictionary definitions:

oc·cu·py take or fill up (space, time, etc.): I occupied my evenings reading novels.

con·quer acquire by force of arms; win in war: to conquer a foreign land.

Where in the bible does it say to compromise with evil even if that evil is less than another choice? My bible says to obstain from ANY appearance of evil. Of course, Marie Komar thinks her opinion is more important what the bible says.


In my humble opinion, to occupy is to conquer for the Lord in order to facilitate His directive; to keep evil at bay while we carve out a remnant for the Body of Christ.
And that is why, Sir, since there are only one of two winnable choices to be made in this November's election, I will do my part to successfully expedite the election of the "lesser of two evils".