Friday, August 15, 2008

Ben Nahm - numerologist and another five demon ("doves") false prophet

I can't believe all of these numerologists actually believe they are obeying G-d and following Messiah Yeshua.


God's name YHVH, equals 26. The first two letters equals 15 and the last two equals 11. 15 signifies God's overt hand in history. 11 signifies God's covert hand in history.
There were 11 days journey from Mount Sinai to the Promised Land.
There were 11 chiefs of Esau.
There are many instances of 11 in the Bible. It has to do with revealing the hidden and God's judgment and intervention in human history.

There is a positive 11 and a negative eleven. The positive has to do with subtracting 36 from 25. 25 signifies God's light. Jews light 36 candles on Hanukkah. In order to refract God's primordial light of 25, you need to add 11 and you get 36. Light is used 36 times in the Hebrew Torah.

Torah also says one false prophecy = false prophet.