Friday, August 29, 2008

Mark Copfer - Ascension Island earthquake a "sign" ???

What Mark Copfer does not tell you is that the Ascension Islands have frequent earthquakes - so how is this ironic? and what is he predicting (without actually saying he is predicting anything) ??? And why is he ignoring all the hundreds of other earthqukes that has happened the past few days??? I cannot believe he thinks this is any significance whatsoever (never mind he ignored the 30 4.+ earthquakes on Vancouver Island in the past 72 hours and the "ooooh" Virgin Island earthquake [doesn't that mean Yeshua was born of a virgin and G-d is "confirming it with earthquakes" --- or other such foolishness???] ) ..... Or maybe if another earthquake hits either the easter islands or christmas islands then the rapture will be on those dates? If so, why did not the rapture occur in past years those islands had earthquakes???

Messiah Yeshua said the deception would be great in the last days and one only needs to see the false prophets and false prophecies of the so-called Christian site five demons ("doves") to see that is true


Mark Copfer (29 Aug 2008) "Ascension Island Quake ? How Ironic!!"
What a coincidence, this is just a few minutes ago... A Large Earthquake, 6.2 mag just occurred NORTH OF ASCENSION ISLAND
