Friday, February 13, 2009

false prophet Ron Reese lies and continues to spew his false prophecies

fist of all, false prophet Ron Reese claimed the tribulation started on october 29, 2008 when obama gave his 30 minute infomercial. False prophet Ron Reese claimed this was the "covenant with many" he then misquoted Daniel and prophecied the rapture would be on january 11, 2009 because it was 75 days from october 29, 2008. After his january 11, 2009 rapture date failed, he then claimed it was only a "possible date" He is now claiming january 11, 2009 is the day the tribulation began and october 29, 2009 is 111 days to february 17-18 so that is when he claims the rapture will be.

Isn't anyone else tired of false prophet Ron Reese' lies and his false prophecies yet???

And, who cares how many people have claimed to see 111. I made up several email addresses and sent bogus information to the five demons ("doves") site - NEVER claiming to be a Christian and NEVER claiming the information was from G-d and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM was posted - including phony dreams, phony 111 sightings, and a bunch of other made up garbage I pulled from a new age sites I searched specifically to see if the five demons ("doves") would post it - and they did. I have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt there is absolutely NO discernment on the five demons ("doves") web site and that they will post anything that sounds good to them even if it is totally unbiblical.

II Tim 4:3-4
3 For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.


Ron Reese (13 Feb 2009) "Oct. 29, 2008 + 111 days = Feb. 17 Jan. 20, 2009 + 40 days =Feb. 18"
Three days ago I posted on NUCLEAR MIDNIGHT!!! HOW CLOSE ARE WE??? Feb. 17-18th??? Three more VERY interesting timelines have been brought to my attention since writing that post. All of them point to Feb. 17--18th. These dates fall on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Tuesday is the day the bridegroom comes for the bride and Wednesday is the day the marriage takes place, in Jewish tradition.

I still believe that 01/11/09 could have been the first day of the 7-year Tribulation, although it appeared that nothing significant happened that day. Just nine days later on Jan. 20, I believe the white horse rider, Obama, was given his crown, and the first seal was opened. The confirming of the covenant by Obama (see my posts of Nov. 6 and Nov. 7, 2008) on Oct. 29, 2008, was the first day of the 70th Week of Daniel. There is NO doubt in my mind about that. The next event on God's prophetic calendar will almost certainly be the opening of the 2nd seal, with the red horse rider taking peace from the earth. It COULD be the Sudden Destruction/Rapture or it COULD be the beginning of WWIII, which COULD culminate in the Spring of this year.

As presented in my post of Feb. 10, Zechariah 1:7 talks about the red horse rider. In the preceding verse, the date is given as the 24th day of the 11th month, which correlates to Feb. 17-18.
Many have seen 1:11 over and over again and this was one of the possible sign markers pointing to Jan. 11 (1/11). Adding 111 days to Oct. 29, 2008, the opening day of the Final Seven Years, takes us EXACTLY to Feb 17--18th.

If the opening of the First Seal, the white horse rider, took place on Jan. 20th, when Obama was given his crown, as President of the most powerful country in the world, how much longer do you think it will be before the 2nd Seal is opened, and the red horse rider goes forth to take peace from the earth??? The number 40 means trial, testing, and probation. Certainly with Obama in charge, our country is going downhill very quickly spiritually. If our country has been on probation, and God has put us on trial and is testing us, then we have failed as a country. A possible 40-day probationary period, or warning period, may come to an end and guess when it will end--FEB 18TH!!!

COULD THE RED HORSE RIDER AND THE OPENING OF THE 2ND SEAL TAKE PEACE FROM THE EARTH ON FEB.17--18TH??? COULD THE RAPTURE OCCUR SIMULTANEOUSLY??? Or could there be a BIG event that starts WWIII on this day and climaxes with the Sudden Destruction/Rapture in the Spring?

My watch stopped on the evening of Dec. 1, 2008, for five minutes, at 7 minutes to 11, and has run perfectly ever since. The next morning I was awakened by loud knocking sounds, even though there was nobody in the house or at the door. I believe it was an angel that awakened me at EXACTLY 7:11 a.m. Since then, I have had 5 more supernatural confirmations of the 7 and 11, for a total of 7, God's number of completion and perfection. I am still not sure what the 7 and 11 mean.

Could it mean Genesis 7:11??? This is the EXACT verse that tells us that the GREAT FLOOD took place on the 17th day of the 2nd month. Why does it not give a Jewish month? Luke 17:26 says, "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it also be in the days of the coming of the Son of man (Jesus)." Maybe it does not give a Jewish month because it is not Israel that is being warned here? If it is the U.S. (mystery Babylon?) that is being warned here, maybe God is trying to warn us of the timing of this Floodlike catastrophic event, using our OWN calendar. THIS COULD MEAN THAT GOD IS TRYING TO WARN US ABOUT FEB. 17TH! IS IT JUST COINCIDENCE THAT ZECHARIAH'S RED HORSE RIDER DATE OF FEB. 17--18 AND THE GENESIS 7:11 DATE OF THE 17TH DAY OF THE 2ND MONTH SEEM TO BE POINTING TO THE SAME TIME???

Many of you remember Dimitri Duduman. He was a Rumanian prophet, who was sent by God to the U.S. to warn our country of impending judgments. I heard Dimitri speak at the God's News Behind the News International Prophecy conference in the very early 1990's. He was given visions and specific warnings from the Lord, even mentioning the cities in the U. S. where the nuclear bombs were going to strike. Dimitri Duduman's vision came to him on Feb. 19, 1989. So on FEB.18, 2009, counting the first and last days as whole days, IT WILL BE EXACTLY 20 YEARS SINCE THE LORD WARNED OUR COUNTRY OF IMPENDING NUCLEAR MIDNIGHT!!! 20 is the number of redemption. Could this be the day for the redeemed of the Lord? COULD THIS BE THE DAY THAT THE RED HORSE RIDER COMES FORTH TO TAKE PEACE FROM THE EARTH???

It was SEVEN DAYS before Feb 17-18 that Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, said that the world was "entering an era of dialogue", and that his country would welcome talks with its long-time adversary, the U.S. The hard-line Iranian leader said terrorism and the elimination of nuclear weapons could be included in topics of discussion. Just a few days ago the Israeli ambassador to Australia said that Israel would strike Iran in less than one month. Feb. 10th was also the day of the elections in Israel. Could either, or both, of these be a possible 7-day warning? The peace and safety before the Sudden Destruction?

Again, just like on Jan. 11th of this year, when I see several things pointing to one date, I AM COMPELLED TO BRING FORTH A WARNING AND FULFILL MY CALLING AS A WATCHMAN. It may be that nothing will happen of any significance on Feb. 17-18th. I am not predicting anything. The Lord has not given me a specific word of knowledge on these dates. However, I see enough potential timelines that I believe all of us should sit up and take notice.

Let's take a very quick and concise review of the POSSIBLE evidence for Feb. 17-18th. It is acceptable to use two days because of the 24 different time zones in the world:

I want to emphasize that there are TWO different Scriptures that are possibly pointing to Feb. 17-18. One is Zechariah 1:7, possibly pointing to Feb. 17-18, as the day of the red horse rider of Revelation, Chapter 6. The 2nd Scripture is Genesis 7:11 (possibly the correct interpretation of all of my 7--11's), which tells of the Great Flood coming on the 17th day of the 2nd month, which COULD possibly be pointing to Feb. 17th. Feb. 17th and 18th are Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, the days that the bridegroom comes for the bride and the wedding takes place.

Next, there is the timeline of 111 days starting at Oct. 29, 2008, the first day of the 70th Week of Daniel, and ending on Feb. 17--18th. Then, there is a possible 40-day warning from the opening of the 1st Seal Judgment of Rev. 6, when Obama received his crown on Jan. 20, to Feb 18th. Then, one of the most well-known prophets of our generation, Dimitri Duduman, received a vision about the catastrophic judgment of NUCLEAR MIDNIGHT on the U.S. EXACTLY 20 YEARS AGO TO THE DAY IN 1989. All of these things point to Feb. 17--18, 2009.

Is it all a coincidence? In less than one week, we will know the answer? This could be your last chance to get your heart right before God, BEFORE IT IS ETERNALLY TOO LATE. I am going to conclude with a salvation prayer, so I pray that some of you reading this will send or copy this post for your lost or backslidden family, friends, and co-workers, as this COULD be there last chance. Pray this prayer, but mean it sincerely in your heart:

"Dear Lord, I know that I am a sinner. I believe that you died on the cross for MY sins. I am repenting of my sins and turning my life over to you. Come into MY heart and be MY PERSONAL LORD AND SAVIOUR. Please give me power over sin and temptation. Prepare my heart for your SOON Return. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen."

Ron Reese