Friday, February 6, 2009

false prophet 'Deanne' admits to following satan

false prophet 'Deanne' emphatically states her dream is "prophetic" but "doesn't know if it will come true or not??? If it is prophetic it is either from G-d and WILL COME TRUE or it is from satan. Since false prophet 'Deanne' clearly states it is prophetic yet says she is not sure it will happen (if it was from G-d, there is absolutely NO doubt it will happen) then the source must be from satan or from one of his fallen angels (a demon)

Oh - her dream was about a new election and bush becoming president instead of obama.

Deanne (6 Feb 2009) "I had my very first prophetic dream....."
I don't know if it will happen or not,
but I would like to share it as it did make me very happy. In my dream I saw a t.v. screen of a newscast, like that you would see on election nite and basically they were going state by state counting the electors votes and one by one each state shifted to blue (but in my dream blue indicated Republican and not Obama/Dem) and the newscasters were happily turning each of these states blue and in my heart while I watched I began screaming and crying out that the Lord had decided to give us a second chance....that Obama was not to be our president and I felt like things were recounted in light of his eligibility issue and that he had been a usurper. I got the feeling like Bush was to be President and not McCain, but the focus was mainly on Obama DEFINITELY not being the President now. The time frame was to be soon I felt and I had so much joy and was just praising God for giving America a second chance....I kept thanking him and I did this whole heart and spirit was screaming praise and joy to the Lord for this event.I have prayed to the Lord for him to speak to me and this is the first kind of dream I have had like this. I have had two other dreams that were terrible....absolute occurred the night Obama got elected.....started with some house being broken into by rapists and I had to try and con my way out of being killed and I witnessed these two men killing other individuals in this house. Another dream I had was just a few nights ago....and it was similar in that I was in a house with my children and these people (men and women) were trying to break into my house and my small son saw them first through the glass and I told him no one was there, just as they broke open the door...the rest of the dream resulted in me and my kids and husband running from these individuals while they used horrible devices to kill us....such as pouring acid on us or using a club with a spike on one end to swing around a doorway as we walked through it to nail us in the was just awful. I don't usually have nightmares, but must admit that Obama's election and then being sworn in has gotten me upset. Because these two dreams preceded the one I had yesterday I was so grateful for that dream. I felt such peace at God giving our country a second chance. Don't know if he will, but I enjoyed the feeling of screaming out to the Lord in thanksgiving. FWIW, I don't usually have dreams....dreams that I can remember.I just would love to actually get to hear God talk to me, like I hear others tell me.....I do think he has spoken to me in other ways, just not clearcut words directly from him....anyway....just thought I would add my dream to the mix. Deanne
