Tuesday, September 30, 2008

false prophet Nando interprets omens - at odds with false prophet Tony Ellsworth

Nando claims that you round up 777.68 (dow jones closed yesterday) to get 777.7 which is significant - yet Tony Ellsworth claims you need to leave it at 777.68 to tie in the Apollo 8 mission (WHY??? - he never even explains that reasoning)

Both are false prophets and interpret omens - something G-d callse detestable.

Deuteronomy 18:10-12 "There shall not be found among you anyone who uses divination or who practices witchcraft or one who interprets omens or is a sorcerer or who casts a spell or is a medium or a spiritist or who calls up the dead. For whosoever does these things is detestable to the Lord."

Nando (30 Sep 2008) "dow down 777.7 points today"

September 29, 2008
Letter 21 (09-29-08) Dow went down 777.68 today
Today at sunset begins the fall Jewish festivals. Rosh Hashanah, the festival of the trumpets or shofars is the next feast to be fulfilled by the plan of the Lord Jesus Christ. It starts today at sunset and ends at nightfall of October the 1st. It is in this period of time (2 days) that many bible prophecy teachers believe that Jesus will take all true Christian believers out of the world in what is referred in English as the rapture or in Spanish as el rapto. This will occur with the believers changed in an instant from mortal bodies to immortal bodies without dying first. After the believers are safe in the clouds with the Lord Jesus the world will go into a period of destruction commonly known as the apocalypse. It is very interesting to point out that the number of the Holy Trinity is 777. The stock market in its way to a collapse closed today 777.68 which is rounded off to 777.7. Coincidence or Divine design?
Your servant of Jesus Christ
Nando Twelvebooks.wordpress.com
