Saturday, July 5, 2008

Rapture Date Setting

I firmly believe that the pre tribulation rapture is taught in the bible - both in the Tanach ("Old" Covenant) and the Brit Hadasha ("New" covenant)

There are false prophets who claim they can figure out the day of the rapture in spite of the fact Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) said we could not:

Matthew 24
36 But of that day and hour knoweth no one, not even the angels of heaven, neither the Son, but the Father only.

42 Watch therefore: for ye know not on what day your Lord cometh.

There is one web site that calls itself "five doves" (a replacement of the Holy Spirit which is also referred to as a Dove???) and they REPEATEDLY post false prophecies by people who write in. The site is highly censored and anyone who posts against numerology or date setting does not have their emails published. Yet any false prophet using numerology or sets dates for the rapture (even after proving themselves to be false prophets) continually has their false prophecies and date settings published. When their dates fail, instead of apologizing and repenting of their sin, they conjure up more false dates and bring reproach to the True Believers who are faithfully watching every day as Messiah Yeshua commanded. The author of the web site does not hold them accountable for their false prophecies or false rapture date predictions (which they claim G-d gave them)

Be warned by what Messiah Yeshua said:

Matthew 24
11 And many false prophets shall arise, and shall lead many astray.

This warning must be read and taken as a warning to ALL that call them self a Christian or follower of Messiah Yeshua:

Matthew 7
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy by thy name, and by thy name cast out demons, and by thy name do many mighty works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

When Messiah Yeshua said this, the only part of the bible that was written was the Tanach. So obviously doing the will of the Father (ie: G-d) was to obey His Word - the Tanach. Those who 'work iniquity' are the law breakers who do not obey G-d.