Thursday, July 24, 2008

Jimmy Lishman - another one who thinks their unbiblical dream ("near death experioence") supercedes the bible

Jimmy Lishman had a dream ("near death experience") that there is a sea in heaven and so believes there is a sea in heaven even though the bible says there is not (as if it really matters - they are the same ones who would argue about how many angels can dance on a head of a pin - and other such foolishness)

How can people believe what others say, dream, or experience if it contradicts what the bible clearly says??? Yet if someone had a dream that the five "doves" are satanists who are misleading people and using the name of Messiah Yeshua to do so - that dream they would not believe. They only want to believe and accept what their tickled ears wants them to believe because they love for false prophets to tell them what they want to hear.