Monday, January 25, 2010

False prophet Calvin - too CooCoo for cocoa puffs

WOW - seeing a '70' points to the earthquake in haiti and hearing a dove coo while sitting on a mastof a boat (at the pier) signals rapture because Noah was saved by a boat???

This person needs mental help. She is so obviously deceived / mentally derranged she is a danger to society. This becomes apparent when nshe touts the well known satanist / demoniac jesse duplantis and considers him a "fellow believer" (if that is so, it proves she is following satan just like duplantis)


C.W. (25 Jan 2010)
"7.0 "THE" major warning to America!!!!!!!!!! (2 doves this AM!!!!)"


As I was walking this morning (1/23/10), after sending several posts
dealing with "444", the 7.0 quake, etc., the following occurred:

Normally, I walk down to a dock where there are many boats and
come back. On my way as I neared the dock, I KEPT HEARING
these "coo coo's" in an almost DISTRESS signal!!!
I knew that
this was a dove but couldn't find him. The dove was the ONLY bird
calling out and, as I said, it was UNUSUALLY loud and long as
in "Coo coo coo.....coo coo" and then repeated again and again!!!!

So, I walked out to the end of the dock and, coming back, I was
trying to find the dove. Finally, I looked "UP" and THERE HE WAS
ON TOP OF THE MAST OF A SAILBOAT!!! There was only one
dove calling out but the dove was with a "mate"!!!
There were two
doves perched on the HIGHEST MAST (as I perceived it) in the
boatyard near the harbor!!! A "boat" was Noah's "deliverance"!!!!

On my walk, I had also gone past a street sign which I guess I had
NEVER noticed and the number was "70" which, of course is JUST
LIKE the 7.0 quake number!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course, the 7.0 in Haiti was
JUST OFF our Eastern Shores and would be a VERY GOOD PLACE
to send a "SIGNAL"!!!!!!!!!!

Then, as I entered the complex where I live, I heard a "FLAP" as if a
large bird was "TAKING OFF"!!! I looked for the bird but then saw that
the "FLAP" came from an American Flag on a pole that had been
tangled up
. As I walked on past, it became untangled but the "FLAP"
must have been it trying to get untangled!!!!!!!!!!!!

HOW PROPHETIC, I thought, when putting it ALL TOGETHER!!!!

There were "TWO" doves but only "ONE" "cooing" a warning!!!

There will be "TWO" parts of the Body of Christ at the rapture. I believe
that the dove doing ALL the "cooing" represents those who are "alive"
and are "SEEING" all that is going on and TRYING TO WARN people
(other doves / Christians, etc.) with ALL the signs and "in" America
("THE" Babylon of the New Testament)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...1 Thessalonians 4
...15 According to the Lord's own word, we tell you that we
...who are still alive, who are left till the coming of the Lord,
...will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep.
...16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a
...loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the
...trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.
...17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught
...up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the
...air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.

...Jeremiah 51
...45 "Come out of her, my people!
...Run for your lives!
...Run from the fierce anger of the LORD.




C.W. (25 Jan 2010)
"Close Encounters of the God Kind (re: the loss of babies)"

Close Encounters of the God Kind (re: the loss of babies)


When I went to Mississippi recently for my mother's surgery, I stayed
for about 2 1/2 weeks and, while there (last week), I was in a sporting
goods store and one of the sales people there had, just recently, lost
triplets in birth. I'm on the mailing list of a church that had let me know
about this but I didn't know the sales person was the father of those
triplets until I was introduced to him.

After learning about that this young man was the father of the triplets,
I told him I would send him Jesse Duplantis' testimony to he and his
wife because it tells of what happens to babies that are lost through
miscarriage. Actually, these babies were old enough to be "born"
and they had held the little babies in their hands before they died so
you KNOW that they were VERY affected!!!!!!!!

Jesse Duplantis speaks about the first time that he shared his trip
to heaven with his family, his wife, Kathy, and, Deborah, his wife's
sister, were there.
Deborah had actually interrupted Jesse by relating
a dream that she had had just recently about sitting in heaven with
her "4" children. She thought she had missed God (in the dream)
because she only had "3" children (on earth). Jesse, after his "trip"
to heaven, told Deborah, "No, you have 4 children, you lost a baby remember?" Jesse told her, "What you dreamed is true, you've
got 4 kids, that other one's waiting for you!"

[URL removed - satanic]

Jesse had seen MANY babies in heaven, Deborah BURST OUT CRYING!!!
Jesse says that Deborah was SO BLESSED AND TOUCHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


